26 :: ALEX :: MOODS

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一 alex's pov

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一 alex's pov

"are you and rain talking? we're tired of seeing you guys ignore each other but you seem in a good mood today." ardyce questioned as we all sat at our spot in front of the school.

"yeah we talked, she came over yesterday." i smiled, looking at at her as she stood a few feet away talking to some friends.

"good." freya smiled. she spoke too soon because the next time i looked up at rain, drew was standing in front of her. i'm not one to be jealous but fuck i was jealous.

"i was really expecting all of this to be awkward but i guess not. like it just seems normal." freya spoke out of nowhere.

hester scrunched up her face and turned around to freya. "freya, what the fuck are you talking about?"

"all of us. hester i'm tired of you cursing at me."

"i only said it because i love you."

"i love you too bih." she replied as she stuck up her middle finger.

"all i know is that frey and i expect good birthday and christmas gifts, we helped every single one of you guys." parker told everyone. it was true now that i thought about it.

"you didn't help hester and i." jacob playfully rolled his eyes.

"the marijuana did." ardyce laughed loudly, finding her joke funny. we laughed with her but not as hard as she did.

"uhm technically we did, you two wouldn't be friends if it wasn't for us."

"you guys didn't help hayesie and i." ardyce spoke up, laying her head on her boyfriend's shoulder.

"ardyce." everyone said, except for me, giving her looks. almost everyone helped them. who gave them rides? who covered for them when they had sleepovers?

"i was kidding!" she told everyone. "thanks though, i'll start planning the gifts now."

i tuned them out as rain walked back over to us, a bright smile on her face. "why were you talking to him?" i questioned, trying not to sound too jealous.

"because i can?" she laughed lightly.

"come on, don't talk to drew."

"alex, i like you not him. we were talking about an assignment." rain huffed. "don't make it out to be something it's not."

"i'm sorry, i'm just looking out you know?"

"i appreciate it but you don't have to worry." she smiled, kissing my cheek.

this story is ending soon :-((

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