Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Phoenix glanced at her pearl and diamond encrusted watch and let out a sound of frustration. She was bored to tears and forced to hide out in her suite in order to avoid the peasants currently in residence down the hall and her mother. She had sent one of her maids, Judith, to bring her breakfast five minutes ago.

Marielle, an aristocrat's daughter and her friend of sorts, had texted asking if Phoenix would like to go shopping with them. She'd declined, not wishing to go anywhere - especially not with Marielle's other friends. They were all basic bitches that sought to use Mari's association with Phoenix to gain some sort of status among the nobles in their age group. thanks.

She was so hungry. Judith did not need to take so long just to secure a tray of food. The walk from the kitchens to her suite wasn't that long. If she didn't show up in a minute or two Phoenix vowed to have her fired.

Rolling off the soft dark purple couch that dominated her sitting room area, she slipped her feet into her green satin flats and made her way to the front door of her suite. Pulling it open, she scowled to see the broad back of her bodyguard, Cristiano.

"Did I not tell you to leave?" she demanded haughtily.

"Multiple times, Princess", he answered, not even turning to face her.

"Yet you are still here."

"You should not be surprised about that."

Ever since the incident that had occurred between Isis and her husband Leo's psychotic friend, Phoenix had been made to travel with a bodyguard in tow. She had done her best to make life hell for each one assigned to her until they all asked to be re-assigned, one by one.

All except Cristiano Demeris, who had been assigned to her a mere month ago and refused to be affected by anything she did. He was probably more stubborn than she was, and followed her every step like an annoying, tall shadow that never vanished. She would not at all be surprised to find that he slept right before the door of her bedroom at night.

She chafed at suddenly having an audience to her daily life. It did not help that all of her friends found him handsome and fascinating, either.

With his tall, fit physique, sun-bronzed skin, close-cut black hair and piercing brown eyes, Cristiano was admittedly good looking. She could not deny that, but he wasn't that fascinating. He did not talk much, but every time he did he ended up annoying her.

Equally annoying was the fact that she always knew when Cristiano disapproved of what she was doing. She always felt his disapproval, even though he never showed it in his expression. It severely reduced the level of enjoyment she usually obtained from whatever it was that he disapproved of.

She usually ended up returning home much earlier than she intended to, eating ice cream and sulking as she flipped through channels searching for something to watch. Who did he think he was? Her father??

"Where is my food?" she demanded. "Why is Judith not back here yet?"

"I'm intelligent, Princess, not clairvoyant. How would I possibly know what's keeping Judith?" He looked back at her, cocking a brow.

"Then go find out", she retorted.

"I'm your bodyguard, not your servant. I do not answer to you", he replied.

"Then what's the point?" she replied, exasperated.

"She gets like that when she's hungry. Do well to remember that, Cristiano", another voice said with a laugh. Both of them looked towards the source to find Behati standing in the hallway, a pitcher of orange juice in hand, and behind her, Judith and a server, both of them carrying covered food trays.

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