Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

A few days later, Calanthe begun doing her all to create situations that forced Levi and Amaris to spend more time together and kept Amrei out of the way. She'd arranged a day trip for all of them to visit several noteworthy museums, then had latched onto her husband and Amrei's arms in a false display of camaraderie, forcing Levi to tuck Amaris' arm through his. When the paparazzi crowded around them, it was photos of Amaris and Levi together that made the front page as the media speculated on whether or not she was to be the future wife of their prince.

When they remained on the palace grounds, she often suggested they do activities that required pairing up - even going so far as to initiate a pairs-only charades game.

A week and a half into their stay, she suggested they tour the grounds of the palace on foot, then held back her eldest and her husband in order to allow Levi and Amaris to get well ahead of them, lending them privacy in distance.

"Your mother is a very determined woman", Levi said, amusement lighting his eyes.

"She's the bane of our existence, Your Highness", Amaris replied with a long-suffering sigh.

"Levi", he corrected.


"I now call you Amaris, so it is only fair that you call me Levi."

"I could never do that. We aren't that familiar with each other that I'm allowed to forgo formalities and call you Levi", Amaris said as she carefully avoided a protruding root in the path they were following through the picturesque man-made forest at the rear of the estate.

"Perhaps only when are alone, then - which, if your mother is allowed to get away with her scheming, will be often."

"She's just getting started. By next week she'll probably try to force us to kiss or some shit like that."

"Language", Levi said mildly.

"Dude, seriously?" Amaris rolled her eyes. Levi shrugged. Because of her childlike stature and mischievous ways, he thought of her as a teenager, and not a young lady of twenty-two. He could not, of course, tell her that. "You need to step up your game."

Levi blinked down at her.

"I do not understand."

"Step up your game? You know, bring your dating skills up another few levels? You're not gonna get any closer to Amrei through just nightly phone calls and morning texts. Her love language is totally quality time - google that and you'll see what I mean. The phone calls and texting is a good start, but you gotta work harder than that."

"How do you know all this?" Levi had to ask.

"I told you: I know her. She's my everything. I had plans to marry her one day, but incest is illegal and she won't have me doing anything illegal." She released a long-suffering sigh. "I'll just have to settle for living vicariously through you, so don't fuck this up."


"-uage. Get over it, Prince Levi. We're partners in crime for now, so accept that I have a foul mouth and sassy ways already."

"I will make the attempt."

"How is it that I'm comfortable enough to reveal my foul mouth to you, but you still talk to me like we're stuffy old men in suits discussing the state of the nation?"

"What is wrong with wearing suits?" he asked, pointedly taking in his own attire: one of his more comfortable suits.

"Answer my question, Prince Levi", Amaris intoned.

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