Chapter Fifteen

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Hello reader,

First of all, I am sooooo sorry. I was more busier than expected during the holidays and so I didn't get to write this chapter as quickly as I should have. I'm sorry. If you've been here from the beginning of this series, or even just the beginning of this story, and you're still here now: Thank you for reading my work, and thanks for sticking with it despite my irregular updates.

Song kind of related? I don't know, I just like it.

Don't forget to vote, comment, etc.

See you next chapter,

S.S. <3

Chapter Fifteen

After seeing her parents off the evening before and eating a brief lunch with Levi as promised, Amrei had returned to her rooms and spent the rest of the day surrounded by the Frazier quads and her sister, watching movies and getting to know each other. The quads as one unit reminded her a bit of her friends back home in Rania - they were a lively bunch, and Sheena turned out to be quite comedic. Samara, after getting past her initial shyness, became comfortable enough to reveal her dry wit.

The women talked of their lives in the palace. Their family had been in service to the crown for generations, and most of them had been raised on the palace grounds. They lived together in one of the cottages in the gated community for live-in staff situated near the far boundary of the palace's estate.

It had turned out that a girls day in was exactly what she'd needed. She'd woken up the next day feeling a bit more settled.

When Levi had called her and asked if he might take her out, she had readily agreed. Tossing on a plain light blue babydoll top, black skinny jeans, and black strappy flat sandals, she pulled her hair into a smoothed-back puff and slipped simple silver hoops in her ears. Satisfied, she exited her rooms just as Levi was about to knock on her door.

"Right in time", she said with a grin. He, too, was dressed casually in a soft light gray T-shirt and dark denim skinny jeans. Despite this, an air of elegance clung to him as if he was still in his customary suit and tie. She rolled her eyes.

"You make even t-shirts look like couture. I give up on ever looking better than you."

"We need to get you a pair of glasses since you are unable to see your beauty clearly", he replied matter-of-factly. He pressed a kiss against her hair, then reached out and slipped her hand in his. "Come. We have a busy day scheduled today."

"We do?"


"What are we doing here?" Amrei whispered as the vehicle they were in came to a stop in front of a small church.

"You'll see", Levi replied. He exited the SUV, then helped her out. His bodyguards fell into place behind and beside them as they entered the open wrought iron gates of the church's grounds.

They followed a stone walkway to the church's small hall, where a crowd of people milled about. They ranged in ages and were of both genders, and some looked to be homeless.

"What's going on?" Amrei wondered out loud. Levi didn't answer, instead leading her directly inside the hall.

Upon entering, her eyes were drawn immediately to the small kitchen at the rear of the hall that was in a flurry of activity. A balding man spotted them approaching and broke out into a wide, welcoming grin.

"Your Highness! We were wondering if you were coming in today!" He met them at the doorway of the kitchen and hugged Levi briefly. A chorus of hellos came from the other workers in the kitchen.

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