Chapter Sixteen

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I know, I know.

This chapter is too short to have been waiting so long for. 

I'm sorry it's so short, but this is how the story demands to be told. 

Song kind of related? I think. 

Don't forget to vote, comment, etc. 

If you haven't seen my notice, then here's what it said: I'm back in school and I'm neck deep in work so I'll write and post whenever I can in between all that other stuff, okay?

Much love,


Chapter Sixteen

"Why are you here?" Levi asked bluntly the moment Zaveri stepped through the palace gates. Amrei had asked him to allow Zaveri in. Levi had refused, saying that they would instead meet him at the gate, and so they'd went to do just that.

The younger man was shorter than Levi, but more muscular. He had darkly tanned skin, brown-black short hair, gray-green eyes and was dressed in plain jeans and a t-shirt. He took in the two briefly before offering a quick respectful bow.

"Your Highness, Amrei's parents sent me to become the girls' chaperone in their stead. Despite any disagreements between your family and theirs, they still have a duty to ensure the safety of their children when they are so far away from home," he explained.

"This is the safest place in Cyanis - you can tell Lady Sarafian that when you return tomorrow," Levi replied frankly. "She was told prior to her departure that her girls will be cared for exceptionally well. Your trip here was unnecessary."

"Your Highness, please allow me to remain for some time to ascertain this for myself," Zaveri replied, though somewhat stiffly.

Levi's hand tightened slightly around Amrei's. She squeezed back reassuringly.

"A few days should be fine, right? It will keep my mother quiet and out of our hair," she said.

"How can you be sure of that?" Levi asked, arching a brow.

"Please?" she begged, clasping her hands together and staring up at him. Levi scowled back. They remained like that for moment before Levi sighed.

"You can stay for four days," he told Zaveri.

"Two weeks would be much more convincing when I return to report, Your Highness."

"Four days, Vano."

"I really-"

"Let's compromise then!" Amrei interjected brightly. "What about one week? Okay with the both of you?"

"But-" Zaveri began, but was cut off by the annoyed look she sent his way. "That's fine, then."


"I will let your friend stay for a week, but no more. He can stay in the guest wing."

So saying, Levi turned and stalked off towards the small car that had driven them from the palace's doors to the gates. He paused, looking back at her. She hadn't moved from where she'd stood. He arched a dark brow.

"You can go ahead. I'll meet you later. I just need to speak to Zaveri about my parents," she explained. Levi let his gaze slide pointedly from her to Zaveri. He only nodded once before entering the car, but the warning was quite clear.

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