I don't want u near her

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Randy walked back downstairs and through the crowd. He found Alex and pulled him by the shoulder. Alex jerked around and looked at Randy. Randy looked pissed off. "What's up man?" Alex asked.

Randy looked around the room, as he started talking, "Why'd you give Kelly all those drinks?"

"Dude, seriously? She kept snatching my drinks. Why didn't you look after her?" Alex asked him back.

Randy sighed, as his eyes wandered around the room. He felt stupid and lonely, now that Kelly was sleeping, and passed out quickly. He should've left the Bella twins faster. His eyes fell on Cody, who was chatting away with Mike. "I'll be back," Randy mumbled. He walked over to Cody, and pulled him away from Mike.

Randy shot him a dirty look and Cody returned it with a confused stare. "What?" he asked rudely.

"I want you to stay away from Kelly" Randy said calmly.


"Because you have intentions other than just being friends with her."

"So, I like her. What are you going to do about that Orton?"

"Look Cody, frankly speaking Kelly doesn't like you, because if she did she would've came to this party with you. She likes me and only me. And all you're doing is just trying to get between us. So I suggest if you want to be in one piece you leave her alone."

They both held each other's gaze for the longest time. Randy intently staring at him to let him know he was serious in what he just said. Cody exhaled and slowly backed away from Randy. He was now lost in the crowd and Randy unclenched his fists. He turned around and walked back to Alex, who was staring at the whole scene that unraveled. "Kelly really likes you. Do you think it was appropriate to threaten people because of her?" he asked Randy.

Randy's face softened, and he grabbed the beer bottle from Alex, taking a sip. Alex closed his eyes in frustration, first Kelly and now Randy. "Kelly likes me?" Randy asked him.

Alex scrunched up his face in confusion, "I thought that's why you guys started going out," Alex said.

"We're not going out... we just have something between us" Randy clarified.

"Seems like you love her," Alex mumbled.

"What was that?" Randy asked not paying attention. In fact his mind drifted back to Kelly and if she was going to be okay. He thought to check up on her soon.

"You love her Randy" Alex said loudly this time.

Randy brought his attention back to Alex and blankly stared at him. "No I don't" he retorted.

"Then why do you care if Cody's trying to get with her?" Alex asked raising an eyebrow.

Randy chugged down the rest of the beer and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "It's unexplainable," he said. He pushed the empty bottle back in Alex's hand and turned around. But before he was about to walk away Alex's free hand gripped his shoulder, turning him right around.

"Kelly told me about you and her back in college. Don't hurt her a second time Randy. The girl truly deserves better," he hissed.

Randy shoved his hand away and kept walking. He reached outside to the front porch and took a deep breath. How many more people did Kelly lie to? He remembered the exact moment when Kelly approached him in college. He was wearing his Eagles jersey and had his Eagles cap turned backwards on his head. It was football season and they were all chilling downstairs of their dorms, in the TV room. Kelly was wearing a white v-neck and some jean shorts. Her hair was straight and slight shorter than it was now. It was more blonde back then too. She asked to speak to him and he was confused. He never talked to Kelly, ever. Except one chemistry assignment they did together. He of course admired her from a far. Never bothering to hit on her or even try to talk to her. She was just beautiful, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to talk right.

"I think I like you... I have had a crush on you since last year and-"


Kelly looked up and blushed. Randy had just said her name and it felt good to hear. He felt his breath being taken away, just staring at her. He sighed and looked away. He knew what he wanted to go to New York for, and wasn't about to ruin what Kelly had in store for her future. "I can't say the same," he whispered.

Kelly's face told it all. She was hurt. His words hit her hard and she bowed her head down trying to avoid crying.

"It's just, now's not the time. I have things to do after college Kelly-"

"Randy! Dude you're missing this!" yelled Phil. A roar of cheers came from the TV room and Randy turned back to face Kelly. "I-"

Kelly looked back up at him and shook her head for him to stop talking. "It's fine. I understand," she said.

And with that she walked away from him, and that was the last of her he saw.

Alex stood alone in Eve's kitchen, with the red plastic cup in his hand. He wanted to tell Eve how he felt about her. He looked down into his cup and suddenly Layla joined him. She slowly approached him and picked up another red plastic cup that was sitting on the counter. "How's the party going?" she asked him.

Alex shrugged and continued to look into his cup. "How about you?" he asked.

"Trying to avoid Phil," she whispered.

Eve entered the kitchen happily and looked at them. She was wearing a tiara on her hair to confirm it was indeed her birthday. "Oh my god, what are you guys doing here? You just missed-"

"Eve I have to tell you something," Alex took a deep breath and took a few steps towards Eve. Layla and Eve watched in confusion. "Eve, I have loved you for the longest time now. I don't know how, or when, or why it even happened but I'm in love with you. I know you're dating Mike, but I just hope that one day-" he stopped talking and swallowed the lump forming in his throat. "That one day, we could be together. I know this sounds crazy, but I don't know when to tell you if I don't do it now" he whispered. He sighed and finally looked up at Eve.

She stared at him blankly, not knowing what to say. Suddenly she brought her hand up and pointed to her ring finger. "I'm engaged to Mike, Alex," she said softly.

I would love 2 give my cousin a shout out because she helped me write this story on fan-fiction and here

Muah I will upload more promise

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