Why are you here

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"Well Orton, you went to New York for 2 weeks and you're telling me you haven't met one beautiful lady?" agent Copeland asked him. Randy took a sip from his coffee mug and set it down on his desk as he shook his head. It's not like Adam needed to know what was happening in his life. None of them needed to know.

"Leave him alone Copeland" Trish said as she passed by their desks to her own. She took a seat and started to rummage through some files.

Adam kicked his feet up on his desk and leaned back in his chair. He looked at Trish and then back at Randy. "What? I'm only making conversation," he said shrugging. Randy shook his head and brought his attention back to his computer.

Ted Dibiase shortly joined him, taking a seat on Randy's desk and looking at Adam and Trish. "We have to start moving, we got a suspect that's on the loose" Ted told them. Everyone sighed and got up as they fixed their FBI vests on. Randy pulled out his gun from his drawer and started to head to the exit.

"Who is it?" Adam asked curiously as he walked beside Ted. Trish started to walk on the other side of Ted as she was fixing her hair into a ponytail.

"Robert McKenzie. Suspected for sexual assaults and murders of the three girls found in the underground railroad. He's in the area; we should be able to find him. I told Rene to send us the location," Ted informed them. He looked straight ahead at Randy who was walking in front of them. Once they exited the building Randy stopped completely, causing everyone behind him to stare in confusion. Ted sighed impatiently and looked over Randy's shoulder to find a petite blonde woman in front of him. She was wearing shorts and a white v-neck, with her hair curled and brought to one side of her neck.

"Randy, let's go!" Adam yelled, as he ran past Randy, into one of the jeeps. Trish watched on in confusion and then shook her head as she and Ted followed Adam. Randy watched them go and then brought his attention to the girl in front of him.

"Kelly" he said as he caught his breath mid sentence.

Kelly looked back at his team and then turned to face him. She looked down, "I think I came at the wrong-"

She was interrupted when Randy grabbed her hand and led her to one of the jeeps. They got inside and immediately Adam and Trish snapped their heads around, glaring at Randy. Ted shook his head disapprovingly and slapped his forehead. "What are you doing Randy? You can't bring her with us- I'm sorry, my names Adam Copeland" Adam said as he reached over and stuck his hand out for Kelly to shake it. She gave him a small smile and shook his hand before looking at Randy. Randy didn't bother to glance in Kelly's direction, he immediately pushed Adam to face forward and drive.

As they started to drive away in full speed Trish turned in her seat. "I'm Trish Stratus and that's Ted Dibiase," she said, pointing towards Ted. Ted gave her a small salute and sighed.

"I'm Kelly," she said finally. She smiled and Randy peered down at her. She looked ever so beautiful today and he didn't have a clue why she was there. He brought his hands down his face and sighed in frustration.

"Kelly, what are you doing here?" he asked worried. Kelly looked at him and immediately the smile on her face vanished. She played with her hands, not able to tell him why she was really there. Was it safe to tell Randy a second time how she felt about him? What if he rejects her again? Before she could say anything Adam hit the breaks making everyone lean forward. He stopped the car and jumped out as everyone else did the same, leaving Randy and Kelly alone.

Randy reached for the car door handle and looked back at Kelly. "Lock the doors and stay in here, okay?" he asked. Kelly nodded like an obedient child and slumped back in her seat. She watched as the FBI team rounded a house as Trish and Ted walked into it.

"Alex can you not ask me all these questions?" Eve asked him frustrated. Alex glared at her and then took a seat on the bed in their hotel room.

"Sorry, I just wanted to know why Mike would hurt you," he said softly as his face softened.

Eve shook her head and began to pace around the room. "I don't know why he did that. Maybe I wasn't good enough for him" she huffed, crossing her arms against her chest.

Alex shot his head up and looked at Eve. "Bullshit. He doesn't deserve you, that's all" he said.

Eve gave him a crooked smile and played with the rings on her fingers. "Thanks, but I don't know if that makes me feel better" she whispered. Alex sighed and stood up from the bed, making his way in front of Eve.

"Do you want to go to Central Park?" he asked her. Eve thought for a moment and then nodded. Alex smiled at her and grabbed his sweater as Eve did the same.

Randy parked the jeep in front of the BAU office and waited as Adam, Trish and Ted jumped out. When Randy didn't budge from the driver's side, Ted poked his head through the window. "You have a lot of explaining to do," he told Randy.

Randy rolled his eyes and hit the gas once again, speeding out. While driving Kelly back to the hotel he took quick glimpses of her through the corner of his eye. She looked beautiful and peaceful. Her arm rested on the armrest as her chin was in the palm of her hand, she was looking out the window and smiling to herself. Randy felt a rush of excitement just thinking about her being next to him. She never failed to drive him crazy for her. He cleared his throat making her face him.

"So you're telling me that Eve and Alex are here as well?" he asked. Kelly nodded and kept her eyes fixed on the road. Randy frowned, "And the only reason you came here was because Eve missed me?" he asked again, suspiciously.

Kelly quickly nodded again. She chewed on her lower lip and tucked her blonde hair behind her ears. So maybe she lied to Randy that that was the reason they were here, but he didn't need to know the real one. Not after how he reacted to seeing her. It was as if he'd never expected it. Wasn't the address suppose to go to her?

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