I'm not the 1 u should say sorry 2

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Randy pulled up to the hotel they were staying in, which happened to be close to Randy's house. He brought his attention to Kelly, staring at her silently. Kelly nervously moved in her seat and then faced Randy. "What?" she asked.

He shook his head and immediately the side doors opened as Eve and Alex got inside. "Thanks for taking us into your house man. That hotel is mad expensive," Alex said as he pushed Kelly's luggage between him and Eve. Randy nodded and started the car up again as he drove out of the driveway.

"New York is amazing. I see why you wanted to come here. Eve and I just came back from Central Park. Awesome place, I can't wait to see more things," Alex said cheerfully as he glanced at Eve and then back at Randy.

Randy nodded and tore his eyes off the road for a second to look at Eve. She was silent and also slumped against her seat. He sighed and gripped the steering wheel tighter. "Eve, I'm sorry" Randy apologized.

Eve jerked up and stared at the back of his head. "What?" she asked.

"I'm sorry for not properly saying goodbye," he told her. Alex and Kelly kept quiet as they faced forward. They didn't want to be in between the awkwardness at the moment.

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to" Eve mumbled under her breath. She was referring to Kelly and Randy immediately knew. The car fell silent; the only sound was the radio playing 'Baby, I love your way'.

They finally reached his house and he got out as he grabbed Kelly's luggage. He rolled it to his front door and slipped his key into the lock opening the door. Alex gawked when he walked into the house. It was huge and was basically made out of glass. He shook his head and Eve walked up beside him.

"This way" Randy led them to their rooms. Once he showed Alex and Eve their room, he walked Kelly upstairs.

She followed him into his room and he set her luggage down. She pulled in her eyebrows and stared at his room, with her arms crossed against her chest. Then she realized she was standing in Randy's room and wasn't getting her own. A part of her was mad and another part of her was excited. Excited because Randy wanted her to be with him. Suddenly she felt his presence behind her, his hot breath tickling her ear as he said, "I don't believe you."

Kelly turned around and came face to face with him. Their faces were only mere inches apart and it took all of her not to reach up and kiss his lips. "What?" she asked nervously.

"I think you're lying. You're here to see me," he said. He held her gaze and finally he chuckled and looked away. Kelly shook her head. Here comes the cocky Randy, all over again.

"You do know that Mike cheated on Eve, right?" she asked him. Randy's face hardened suddenly and he turned around to face Kelly again. Seriousness washed over his face and she watched as Randy balled his fists. Kelly began to open her mouth but he walked out of the room before she could. She followed him out the room and down the stairs. Randy started to knock on Eve's door, and she quickly opened it.

"What Randy?" Eve asked.

"Mike cheated on you?" Randy asked.

Eve looked down, and Randy took a deep breath in. "That son of a bitch" Randy spat. Alex opened his room door and stepped out. He watched as Randy paced in front of Eve's room unable to control his anger.

"It's okay..." Eve trailed off.

"It's not" Randy shot back.

"Randy" Kelly called his name. Randy ignored her and continued to think. She finally stepped behind him and touched his shoulder. "Randy" Kelly said again. He turned around and looked down at her. "It's done. All we could do is think what's after this," she told him.

"Are you serious?" he asked her, glaring. Kelly took a step back and watched as Randy's anger began to unleash. "How could he fucking break her heart and think it's going to be okay?" he asked Kelly.

"Isn't that what you did to Kelly?"

Randy looked over at Alex who leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed against his chest. He shook his head at Randy. The room quickly fell silent and Kelly turned around and walked back upstairs. Eve sighed and entered her room again as she closed the door behind her. Randy glared at Alex and then unballed his fists.

"What's your problem Riley?" Randy snapped.

"I'm just telling the truth. We're here for you and Kelly. Stop snapping at her for no reason and go back upstairs and make her feel better" Alex nodded in the direction of the stairs. He walked back into his room. Randy watched him go and sighed. He slowly made his way back upstairs and into his room, closing the door on his way in.

Kelly started unpacking her clothes and Randy stepped behind her as his strong muscular arms circled around her slim waist. She stopped what she was doing and tried to capture her breath. Randy's lips fell beside Kelly's ear, "I'm sorry, okay?"

Kelly licked her lips and shook her head as she turned in his arms to face him. "No. It's not okay. I was just saying Eve needs to move on and-"

She was cut off when Randy pressed his lips against hers. Kelly was taken off guard, but within seconds her hands caressed his cheeks as she deepened the kiss. She missed tasting his lips on hers, or the way his hands roamed around her body. Their lips moved perfectly and lustfully. Randy couldn't get enough of her. At this moment he didn't want anything more than her. He picked her up as Kelly wrapped her legs around his waist. Randy set her softly down on the bed before he hovered over her. Their kiss continued to grow strong and heated. Kelly's hands found it's way to the bottom of his shirt and she immediately pulled it off. Her fingers traced his nicely chiseled abs, and she reached up to kiss him again. She started to pull off her shirt, revealing her pink and black lacy bra. Randy laid his forehead against hers, breathless. He stared at Kelly's perfect body and groaned.

"Shit" he hissed.

She peered up at him and bashed her eyelashes innocently. "What's wrong?" she asked, biting her lip.

He shook his head and lightly brushed his lips against hers. "I need you," he whispered.

Kelly grabbed his cheeks, making him face her. She stared into his eyes and softly kissed him again. "Then have me," she whispered back.

Randy stared at her, "Are you sure you want this?" he asked nervously.

"There's nothing I'm more sure about" she told him. Kelly slipped off the purity ring from her finger and set it down on the night table before facing him. Randy's face softened, he smiled at her and began to kiss her again.

YES. Kelly took off her purity ring for Randy.

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