It's cute actually

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Just as Kelly exited her room she felt someone's strong arm wrapping around her exposed waist and pulling her to the side. She gasped and looked up to find Randy smiling down at her. "Did you just wait by the door for me to come?" she asked. He nodded and she quickly pecked his lips. "That's kinda cute actually" she whispered.

Randy took a good look at Kelly and bit his lower lip. Kelly looked sexy in that black bikini. She had the most perfectly toned body and it was driving him crazy. "You look beautiful," he whispered. Kelly blushed and Randy took her hand as he led her down the stairs and out the front door.

They came towards the lake and Randy jumped in first. Kelly stayed back afraid to step into the cold water. Alex, Phil and Mike all jumped in after him and the Bella twins joined shortly after. Layla laid down her towel and took a seat on it.

"No point in tanning Lay, the sun's starting to set" Alex called out to her. Layla rolled her eyes and pulled her sunglasses down to her eyes. Eve stuck her hand out to Kelly, but Kelly refused to take it.

"I am not getting into that water," she said stubbornly. Eve shook her head and ran towards the water, taking a big jump. Kelly squealed a bit when the water splashed her and Layla groaned.

"Randy go get your girlfriend" Mike said.

Randy wiped the water from his face and stared at Mike. He brought his attention to Kelly. Did she actually look like his girlfriend? He shrugged and slowly got out of the water, heading towards Kelly. Kelly began to back away, "No, Randy" she warned. He smirked at her, and she couldn't help but notice his nicely wet and shining abs. She closed her eyes and continued to back away but Randy reached over and grabbed her waist, hoisting her off the ground. She started to scream and laugh and he ran towards the water bringing her in with him. She squealed and immediately wrapped her legs around Randy's waist.

Randy supported her weight by placing his hands on the back of her legs. Eve and the rest began to splash them, making her grip onto Randy tightly. She nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck, blocking the water from hitting her face.

Randy chuckled, "Okay guys, that's enough. I think she's good now," he said. Everyone retrieved back to whatever they were doing, and Kelly slowly moved her head to face him. He smiled at her and kissed her along her jaw line, making her tense up a bit. Her hands were securely around Randy's neck for support.

"Randy" she whispered.

"Mhmm" he continued to kiss her down her neck.

"Can we just talk?" she asked.

Randy pulled away and stared at her, "Okay... what do you want to talk about?" he asked curiously.

"So when did you decide to be an FBI agent?" Kelly asked.

"I don't know. My real goal was to be a cop, but once I got to New York I realized I could be more than that. It took me three years in training and everything to finally get the job," he explained.

"Wow, that must have been a lot of work," she said sincerely.

Randy nodded, "I was just busy. That's why I could never make it home" he said.

Kelly lightly brushed his cheek with her fingers and slowly kissed him. He deepened the kiss and held onto her tightly. She felt all sorts of emotions just kissing him. But the most was happy, because Randy was back and they may have a shot at this. She pulled away and smiled at him. "What you do is so heroic, and so hot at the same time" she said.

Randy chuckled and went in to kiss her again, but received a huge splash of water in their face. He snapped his head around and found Alex grinning at them. "Even Layla got into the water. Just join us and save that for tonight" Alex said gesturing to them. Kelly felt her face heating up. She unwrapped her legs from Randy's waist and swam over to the rest of the group.

After playing some water volleyball and going on a boat ride, everyone went back to swimming. The sun finally set, which made it almost impossible to swim in the dark yet everyone was still doing it. Randy started to race Phil, and Mike in the water, while Kelly watched on with Layla. The Bella twins headed back in to the cottage to get some sleep. Eve swam over and walked up to the deck. She found Alex sitting there, with his feet dangling in the air. She took a seat next to him and looked out to the water. "How do you like it here?" she asked.

There was silence for a few minutes and finally Alex answered, "Is that a joke?" he asked her back.

Eve turned her head to look at him. She seemed confused, "What?"

"Don't you already know that I feel like shit? How are you expecting me to enjoy myself here?" he asked rudely.

Eve felt a little hurt inside. If anything she didn't mean to cause him so much pain. "I'm- I'm sorry Alex. I didn't intend-" Alex abruptly got up and started to head back into the cottage. Eve followed behind him, "Wait! Alex! Wait please" Eve begged after him.

He turned around, "What Eve? What do you want to say?"

"Alex it's not my fault you fell in love with me! What am I suppose to do about that? You just want me to leave Mike and come with you? I don't-" she took a deep breath and ran her hand through her hair, "I just don't feel the same way about you. I just want to be friends."

Alex laughed and shook his head, "Yeah. I'm sorry. You know you're right. It's my fault for falling in love with you and it was rude of me to tell you that I love you when you're with Mike. I apologize," he said before heading upstairs to his room. Eve sighed in frustration. She didn't mean for any of this to happen. In fact she had no idea of what part of her that Alex liked so much. She turned and headed down the hall to her and Mike's bedroom.

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