We're going 2 NYC

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Randy rolled his luggage through the airport. Phil was trailing behind him. He was dropping Randy off, just like how he picked him up. Eve refused to say goodbye to Randy. He left her a note since it was still 4 in the morning. He couldn't get a hang onto Alex or Kelly. He felt upset leaving everyone behind. These two weeks he had the most fun and he never realized he could. Randy sighed and looked at Phil before he was going to pass security check. Phil shook his head and hugged Randy.

"It was great having you man" Phil whispered. He pulled away from Randy and looked down.

"I'm sorry I didn't spend much time with you" Randy said.

"Hey it's cool. I didn't know Layla was going to break up with me," Phil said shrugging as he stuffed his hands in his khaki pants.

Randy nervously chuckled and slapped Phil's bicep. "Seriously, why don't you just purpose to her?" he asked.

"Because she needs to understand that love doesn't necessarily mean getting married. It means who's there for you when you need them the most, who's protecting you, it's about trust, there's so much to it than marriage. If she loves me she'd respect my way" Phil said looking away.

Randy nodded. He could understand what Phil was saying. But then again what does he know about love? He looked back at security and then at Phil. He immediately pulled out a pen and then a piece of paper as he began to write something down. Phil looked at him confused. Randy finally placed the pen back into his pocket and handed Phil the paper.

"It's my BAU address, my home address and my number."

Phil took the piece of paper and raised his eyebrows.

"If anyone wanted to know," Randy said shrugging.

Phil nodded and stuffed the paper back into his pocket. He gave Randy one last hug before Randy parted ways.

Alex paced around Kelly's living room. He didn't know how to make Kelly feel better. She was just sitting on her couch all day watching reruns of America's next top model, and he was starting to get worried. He finally grabbed her remote and turned the TV off as he faced her.

"What are you doing?" Kelly snapped. She was trying to reach for the remote but Alex held it over his head. Kelly felt defeated and slumped back in the couch. "Alex!" she whined.

"You need to follow him," Alex said.

Kelly almost choked out. She looked at Alex and gave him a confused look. "Sorry?"

"You need to follow him," Alex repeated. He looked serious.

"I have a job Alex. I can't just keep ditching it and go off on vacation," she informed him.

He nodded, like he was taking this into consideration. He sighed and took a seat next to her. "That's why you have vacation days... look Kel, you need to follow him! You love him, and he loves you. What are you guys going to do?" he asked.

"I need to get over him," Kelly said simply.

"You're telling me that you'll get over him?" Alex asked her.

Kelly nodded and looked down.

"No. I'll come to New York with you if you want."

Kelly looked up at him shocked. Alex was really considering this? She didn't know what to say. She chewed on her lower lip and began to think. "How are we going to-" she was interrupted when she heard her doorbell ring. Kelly stood up and walked over to the front door, opening it to reveal Phil there. He gave her a small smile and she stepped aside for him to come in. "Hey Phil" she whispered.

Phil looked over at Alex and gave him a head nod. He brought his attention back to Kelly and then started to rummage through his pockets. Finally he retrieved a small piece of paper with writing on it. Kelly watched him curiously. He handed her the paper and said, "I think this is meant to go to you."

She looked down at it and then back up at Phil, "What is this?" she asked.

"Randy's addresses and number" he told her.

She felt her stomach flip, but in happiness. Somehow things were adding up. Maybe it was fate playing with them. She took a deep breath and smiled at Phil. "Thanks" she whispered.

He nodded and opened her front door. Before he could head out Kelly called his name, making him face her. "Please don't give up on Layla. She needs you" Kelly said. Phil chuckled and turned around as he began to make his way to his car. Kelly watched him get inside before she closed the door. She looked at Alex and raised the piece of paper in the air. "I guess we're going to New York" Kelly said.

Alex laughed and ran up to her as he picked her up. Kelly laughed along and hugged him tightly. She was feeling nervous and excited at the same time. But was this paper really suppose to go to her? Would Randy feel happy to see her again? She just couldn't wait any longer. She finally has to chase what she wants.

Randy made his way out of the airport as he started to look around the place. Ted Dibiase, one of the agents who work with him in the BAU, and also one of his best friends, was suppose to meet him here. He sighed and looked at his watch. Just when he looked up he found Ted waving his arms in the air, frantically. Randy chuckled and shook his head as he walked over to Ted.

"Hey man," Randy said, as he pulled his luggage into the trunk of the car.

"Everything went successful?" Ted asked as he went to hug Randy.

"Yeah. Hell of a trip" Randy whispered.

Ted laughed and nodded, "Well everyone's happy you're back man. We missed you on the team. New case, so we better get going" Ted informed him. Randy got into the passenger seat as Ted got into the driver's side. They soon pulled out from the airport and started heading to the BAU.

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