Marry me

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Kelly's eyes slowly opened as the sun shined down on her face. The blankets were wrapped around her bare body and she turned in Randy's arms to face him. He looked so beautiful when he was asleep. His arm was securely around her waist and she smiled at him as she left kisses along his jaw line. After last night she was sure she didn't want anyone other than Randy. There wasn't a single guy who made her feel that amazing as he did. But there was one problem. They weren't together, and they live away from each other. Kelly sighed and closed her eyes again. It seemed like they could never be a couple because of their dreams. She almost felt sick just thinking about the idea of not being with Randy. Her hand wandered back to the night table and she felt around before she came in contact with her purity ring. She was suppose to wait after marriage, but there was something about Randy that she knew he was the one. She let go of the ring and pulled Randy's arm away from her waist as she slowly got out of bed, trying her best not to wake him up. Kelly softly creaked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She jumped into the shower and turned it on as the water began to hit her skin. She pulled her fingers through her wet blonde hair and looked up at the ceiling. She wasn't sure what to do after this.

Layla waited at the park for Phil to come. He promised he didn't want to fight with her and only wanted to talk. But Layla had other reasons to come. She wanted to tell him she was sorry. There was no point in fighting with Phil. She wanted him so bad, she couldn't get over him. Her eyes squinted when she saw Phil jogging towards her from a distance. She pulled a hand through her light brown hair and stared at him. He had flowers in his hand and it only made Layla happy.

He finally approached her, breathless. "I got this for you" he whispered as he handed the roses to her. Layla took it and smiled at him. Her smile was so warm and welcoming, he felt relieved.

"I'm sorry." They both said at the same time. Phil stared at Layla and she shook her head and looked down.

"I really am Phil. I gave you such a hard time, and I tried to force something on you that you weren't ready for" she said sincerely.

Phil took a step towards her. "No, I'm sorry. Why can't we get married when I love you so much and can't think of any other girl than you?" he asked.

"I heard Mike cheated on Eve. It made me realize how right you were. There's so much to love than just sex and marriage. Trust is the most important. I trust you so much and over these years you proved to me why you're the world's greatest boyfriend," she said as she took a step closer to him.

"Then I guess you wouldn't mind if I asked you to marry me?" Phil immediately got down on one knee and Layla gasped as she covered her mouth. Her eyes begin to water as Phil pulled out the box with the ring inside. He opened it and asked, "Will you marry me Layla El?"

Layla bit her lower lip as more tears escaped her eyes. She nodded and Phil pulled out the ring from the box as he slipped it on her finger. She grabbed the front of his shirt and reached up to kiss him. Phil wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"You don't know how happy I am," she whispered, pulling away.

"That's all I ever want."

Kelly stood by the kitchen sink as she was cleaning the dishes from breakfast. She had on Randy's white v-neck and a pair of her shorts. She squealed when Randy wrapped his arms around her waist. Kelly turned around and leaned back against the counter as Randy left kisses along her neck. She giggled and ran her hand down his chest. "C'mon Randy, stop" she whispered. He shook his head as he continued to suck on the skin under her ear. Kelly softly gasped as her hands gripped his back muscles. He pulled away and grinned at her, showing off those pearly white teeth of his. Kelly sighed and placed her hand over the hickey Randy just left. He chuckled and went to grab his black v-neck that he left to rest on the chair.

"Where you going?" Kelly asked softly.

Randy pulled the shirt over his head, and stared back at her. "I have to get to work," he said as he grabbed his cell phone.

"Oh" is all she managed to say. "I was sort of hoping we could talk," she told him.

Randy sighed and walked closer to her as his hands rested on her waist. "We could talk when I get back, okay?"

Kelly nodded and he let go of her. She followed him to the door and he finally stopped as he turned to look around the house. "Where's Eve and Alex?" he asked curiously.

"They went out," she told him.

"And you didn't?"

Kelly nodded and bit on her lower lip. Randy had this worried look on his face, concerning Kelly. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"I don't want to leave you here alone" he whispered.

Kelly smiled widely at him, and wrapped her arms around his neck as she began to kiss him. She pulled away, "You're so cute, did you know that?" she asked.

He chuckled and kissed her one last time before letting her go and opening his front door. Kelly watched him get into his jeep and pull out of the driveway before she closed the door. She walked back into the kitchen. All she could think about was how she was going to tell Randy how she felt. Would he feel the same way? How were they ever going to make this work? She sighed and rubbed her temples. Who knew loving him could be so hard?

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