Management for dull skin

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Dull skin can often look lifeless and make your skin look tired and old. Glowing skin will always be more pleasing to the eye and is also a sign of healthy skin. In order to reduce this dullness, make use of these simple home remedies.

5 Reasons making your face dull

Do you ever look into the mirror and feel your skin looks tired and dull even after you’ve put on your make-up and had your beauty sleep? This is because there are several other factors which come into play to bring a glow in your skin. The basic principle is that your skin isn’t receiving enough oxygen and blood which is making it look dull and weary. Some of the reasons which may lead to this are:

Dust and pollution: Your daily commute from home to office and back does not spare your skin. The dust settles on the skin giving it a dull appearance. Combined with a bas skincare regimen, this dust can hamper your appearance in the long run.

Sun exposure: The killing heat combined with harmful UV rays can not only give you a bad tan but also make the skin look dull. This is because the sun takes away the moisture from your skin, making it rough and wrinkly. Constant undue exposure will make your skin dull and also amplify the ageing process.

Improper diet: Your skin reflects what you eat and if it does not get good nutrition, it will appear dull. To top it all, smoking and drinking alcohol further steal its glow. Had a binge night over the weekend? You will notice its effects immediately on your skin.

Improper cleansing: If you do not use the right products or do not make an attempt to regularly cleanse your skin of all the dust, grime and pollution, you will end up with dull skin and perhaps other beauty issues such as pimples, scars, etc.

Long office hours: Yes, your work can hamper your skin. Firstly, most offices involve people sitting indoors in the AC which can result in your skin not getting fresh, natural air. Secondly, the piling work, meetings, deadlines, etc can place a lot of stress which again doesn’t let your skin get the required rejuvenation time resulting in a dull appearance.

Tips to reduce skin dullness

Hydrate: First things first, hydrate yourself and your skin. Make sure you drink ample amounts of water as it clears out toxins from it. Also, using moisturising products will help in its upkeep which will make sure that it does not dry out or look dull.

Breathe: Yes, a simple way to get more oxygen into your system and also the glow back is to breathe. If you think you breathe all the time and your skin is still dull, you may want to try breathing exercises like pranayam, anulom vilom, etc.

Cleanse: Make it a point to cleanse your skin in the morning and night to remove make-up, dust and any other impurities from it. Also, go for regular clean-ups which involves a massage and a pack and will improve blood circulation to the skin.

Eat healthy: Making a few dietary changes such as reducing the consumption of oily, junk food and drinking less and quitting smoking will go a long way in clearing the dullness.

Exercise: Exercising helps in better blood circulation and getting good oxygen in your body. When you work out, you also sweat which releases toxins and all these combined efforts leads to a glow in your skin.

Beauty treatments: Certain beauty treatments can bring back the lost sheen in your skin. These include dermarollers, skin peels, etc. It is a good idea to get your skin analysed by a professional before you opt for any of these to select the one best-suited for your skin.

Home remedies: If you do not want to shell out a lot of money, you can opt for face packs made using home remedies like fruits and vegetables to bring the glow back and reduce dullness. Watch this space for home remedies for dull skin.

Honey and sugar scrub

The first step to getting rid of dullness from your face is by removing the layer of dead skin cells by exfoliation.

In order to do so, mix some honey and sugar granules in a bowl and then apply it on your face and neck evenly.Rub gently to get rid of dead skin cells and then wash your face with water.Use this pack weekly once but if you have too sensitive skin and it starts to look red, go easy on it. You could try these packs instead. Apply it sparingly then. Read about 10 natural, home-made scrubs to get rid of dead skin cells.

Tamarind pulp

Another way to get rid of dead skin cell is by rubbing the pulp of tamarind on your face. It has antioxidants, fibre, vitamin B and C, etc. which help give an inner glow to your skin by removing the impurities. Here's how to make tamarind or imli packs for hair and skin.

Lemon mask

Your skin also looks dull when it has a tan on it. Undue sun exposure can leave its mark on your skin as tanning and in order to get rid of it, make use of lemons.

All you have to do is squeeze the juice out of one and apply it on your face, avoiding the areas around the eyes.Let it stay for 15 minutes and then wash it off with water.Lemon juice has bleaching properties which will help remove the tan effectively. Also try these other lemon masks.If your skin feels too dry after this pack, add some moisturising agent like honey or curd to the mixture. Here are three hydrating face masks you can make at home.

Malai mix

After you remove the layer of tan, your skin will feel fresher and lighter but to brighten it further, make a mix of malai or milk cream, haldi or turmeric and besan or gram flour.Also try these home remedies for combination skin. 

Apply this paste and let it dry before you wash it off with lukewarm water.This pack will further enhance your complexion. Malai has several more beauty benefits.

Peach and tomato pack

For the final touch, make a face pack using the mash of a peach and tomato. The antioxidants, vitamins and minerals will not only bring out a natural, healthy glow but also make your skin look tighter and plumper.

Mix well and then apply on your face.Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash your face with water. Also try these tomato packs for healthy skin.


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