Revitalize your skin overnight

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Stressful situations, overworking, lack of sleep, health problems - all of this can make our facial skin look and feel tired. All too often, the everyday pressures of modern life seem to drain our bodies of vitality, which in turn leads to our skin becoming drab and lifeless. As a result, our mood and self-esteem take a nosedive each time we look in the mirror.

We at Bright Side decided to find a solution to this problem. We've searched far and wide and are now happy to present a selection of five effective facial mask recipes that will restore life to your skin and make you feel good about your appearance. What's more, all of these masks are easy to prepare and don't require costly ingredients!

Cucumber mask

Cucumber mask

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1 cucumber
1 chicken egg white


Whisk the egg white to a foam consistency.
Grate the cucumber using a fine grater (you'll need to produce 2 spoonfuls of cucumber pulp).
Add the cucumber pulp to the egg white foam, and stir the ingredients well.


Once the mix is ready, apply it to your face.
Leave it on for 15 minutes.Wash the mask off.

Lemon mask


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1 egg white
1 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon of milk
1 teaspoon of lemon juice


Whisk the egg white.Add the rest of the ingredients to the egg white foam, and stir everything well.To make the mix more viscous, try adding ground oat flakes.


Apply the facial mask carefully. Leave it on for 15 minutes.Remove the mask using a warm compress.Rinse your face with water, having added a few drops of chamomile infusion.

Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal mask

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