Bad Beauty Habits that Damage Your Skin and Hair

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Slept with your makeup on again? Still using expired beauty products on your skin? Biting your nails? Combing your wet hair?

If you answered with a nodding yes, beware! You are making some serious blunders in your beauty regime.

It seems as if everyone is suffering from hair loss or showing premature signs of aging like wrinkles, age spots and fine lines around the face these days. Although no one intentionally sets out to have bad skin or rough hair, there is definitely something somewhere that is not right on your end!

On occasion, you may be a bit careless and not worry about your skin and hair. But folks you must realize, the way your body needs proper nourishment and care, so does your skin and hair.

There are some common mistakes you might be making (some you don’t even realize) that are damaging your skin and hair.

Here are the top 10 bad habits that damage your skin and hair.

1. Sleeping with Makeup On
Extremely tired or exhausted? The mere thought of splashing water on your face seems tiring! But you have no idea how damaging it can be for your skin if go to sleep without washing off your makeup.

Sleeping with makeup on has one of the most disastrous effects on your skin, and it even accelerates the aging process. On top of that, the environmental pollutants that your skin encounters throughout the day clog your pores and pave the way for serious breakouts and acne.

Also, the makeup breaks down the collagen and elastin in your skin, thus speeding up the aging process and paving way for wrinkles, fine lines and dull skin.

Not removing eye makeup at night can cause dryness, redness, irritation and eye infections. It can even lead to your eyelashes becoming brittle and falling out.

Plus, due to makeup, the skin cannot repair itself while you sleep.


At the end of the day, take 5 to 10 minutes to pamper your skin. Remove your makeup with a little coconut or olive oil, then wash your face with a mild cleanser and apply a moisturizer
For occasions when you are extremely tired, you can use wet wipes. The wet wipes not only remove makeup and impurities, but also moisturize and nourish your skin.

2. Not Getting Your Hair Trimmed Regularly

Is the thought of flaunting long hair holding you back from getting it trimmed? Well then, it is time you understand how unhealthy this might be for your hair.

The idea that not trimming your hair helps it grow longer is just a myth. Whether you trim it or not, you hair is always growing. But, it is also breaking at an even rate. The rough ends from lack of trimming are making your hair strands weaker and duller.

So, regular trims and haircuts are very much a necessity for the health of your hair. This helps get rid of split and rough ends that ultimately cause breakage.


To maintain healthy hair and accelerate growth, get it trimmed every 3 to 4 months. If you miss a regular trim, use a nourishing hair serum that can help extend the length, strength and health of your hair in between salon visits.

3. Splitting Up the Split Ends
If you are obsessed with picking and tearing apart your split ends, stop this right away!

The end of your hair strands is the oldest part of your hair. Lack of moisture at the ends can cause breakage and split ends. Split ends give a very unhealthy look to your hair. Plus, they restrain the growth of your hair.

Tearing apart your split ends also causes weakening of the hair shafts, leading to hair breaking off more easily and thinning hair. These thinned out strands are likely to tangle even more and may even break off entirely.

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