How to Make a Basic Homemade Facial Scrub

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In addition to making your face feel clean and renewed, a good facial scrub can prevent breakouts and exfoliate dry skin. Next time you're ready for a facial, try making a scrub at home: you'll save money, and with a little practice you can swap out ingredients and create a unique scrub that suits your preferences. This article provides instructions for making four types of scrubs with ingredients you probably already have around the house, like sugar, olive oil and honey.

Cleansing Cream and Sugar Scrub

✔Wash your face thoroughly. Splash a little lukewarm water on your face, and use a soft and clean cloth to gently scrub it. You may also use some facial soap, whichever you prefer or is best for your skin.

Put about a teaspoon of cleansing cream in the palm of your hand. This can be whatever you have on hand - just make sure it is creamy in texture.

Pour 2 teaspoons of sugar over the cleansing cream. use both hands to mix the cleansing cream and sugar together, creating a gritty paste.Use a fine grained sugar, rather than course or turbinado sugar. Larger grains can scratch your face.If you want to make extra scrub for later, mix the cleansing cream and the sugar in a bowl, adding the right amount of both ingredients to create a gritty texture. Place the mixture in a jar with a lid, and store on your bathroom shelf for next time.

Apply the mixture to your face in a circular close attention to the side of the nose and any little lines or dry spots. Be careful around the eyes.If you get a little scrub in your eyes, just flush with water.

Wet a washcloth with lukewarm water. Lean over the sink and start removing the scrub from your face, wetting the washcloth again as needed.

Finish by splashing your face with cold water. This closes your pores and freshens your face. Dry with a soft towel.

Method Two of Nine:
Green Tea, Sugar and Honey Scrub

✔Brew a mug of extra-strength green tea. Green tea is said to have anti-aging effects when applied to the skin. It reduces wrinkles and blemishes, and even repair scar tissue.For best results, use loose green tea and a tea ball or strainer, rather than using a bag of green tea.If you're using bagged green tea, go with plain tea, rather than flavored. This will give you a more concentrated result.

✔Pour a tablespoon or two of brewed tea into a bowl.Allow the tea to cool.

✔Pour a tablespoon of sugar into the tea. Keep adding sugar until the mixture has a consistency that's gritty enough to scrub your skin, but still wet enough to apply easily.

Stir in a tablespoon of honey. Make sure it's thoroughly mixed in. Honey has great moisturizing and antibacterial properties.To store this scrub for later, put the mixture in a jar sealed with a lid. Keep it in a cool, dry place. It should last for several weeks.

✔Apply the scrub to a freshly washed face. Rub the scrub all over your face, concentrating in spots that are dry. Use a wet washcloth to remove the scrub, and splash cold water over your face when you're finished.

Method Three of Nine:
Coconut Oil, Sugar and Lemon Scrub

Coconut oil has been used for centuries by Pacific Islanders; it is renowned as a good skin tonic. Sugar and lemon soften and exfoliate.

Place 1/2 cup of coconut oil in a bowl. If you don't have coconut oil, use olive oil, almond oil, or grapeseed oil.Peanut oil, canola oil, and vegetable oil should be avoided, since these have a strong smell that may take away from the experience of giving yourself a facial.

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