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One of the key steps to having radiant, younger looking skin is to get rid of old, dry, dead skin cells. And the best way to do that, or course, is to exfoliate. Here are the best natural exfoliants and DIY homemade facial scrubs. And the best part is you have almost everything you need in your kitchen!


New skin cells are created in the skin's inner layer (dermis). As they form form, the old, dead skin cells are pushed to the outer layer of the skin (epidermis). These dead cells gradually flake off. But some of them hang on for too long, making your complexion look dull & rough and clogs your pores causing acne & other blemishes. Exfoliating the skin removes these dead cells.

It is important not to forget to exfoliate your body. A very effective method is dry body brushing. Dry body brushing not only removes dead skin cells, but increases your blood flow resulting in less cellulite.



Baking soda is my personal favorite. I exfoliate my face with baking soda daily. I keep a container in my shower and rub about a tablespoon of it on my face in a circular motion, rinse, then wash my face with this liquid natural soap. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is the main ingredient in many expensive exfoliation products. Be sure to use a natural baking soda like this one. Find out more about the quality of your baking soda here. I also use baking soda in my toothpaste, deodorant, and no poo haircare.


Sugar is a natural source of glycolic acid. Glycolic acid boosts new cell production and breaks down the protein that keeps the dead cells hanging onto your skin. Pure can sugar crystals work best, likethis one. Mix the sugar crystals with your favorite massage oil (olive, jojoba, grapeseed, almond, etc.) to make a paste. Scrub on your face in a circular motion, rinse, wash as usual.


Sea salt is full of trace minerals that rejuvenate your skin, stimulate cell growth, and help your skin retail moisture. A sea salt scrub is great for dry skin. Mix with lavender essential oil and/or your favorite massage oil (olive, jojoba, grapeseed, almond, etc.) to make a paste. Scrub on your face in a circular motion, rinse, wash as usual.


Oatmeal is a very gentle exfoliant, so it's perfect for sensitive skin. It is a natural anti-inflammatory and is very moisturizing. Mix finely ground oatmeal with honey and/or kefir (you can also use yogurt or buttermilk). Scrub on your face in a circular motion, let sit for 15-30 minutes, rinse, wash as usual.


Kefir is like yogurt, but with a lot more beneficial bacteria (about 40 times more). Find out more about kefir here (and how to make it). You can use yogurt and still see benefits, but you will see better results using kefir. Kefir is a natural source of lactic acid that hydrates and soothes your skin. Apply to your face and let sit for 15-30 minutes, rinse, wash as usual. Your skin will be so soft and smoothe for several days.


Raw honey is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. It kills skin infections, including acne. Honey reduces inflammation and hydrates. Honey can be mixed with any of the other exfoliants mentioned here to boost the antioxidant and anti-bacterial benefits. Holistic Health Herbalist swears by honey and uses it in her daily routine to get rid of acne.


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