Lifestyle Habits For Combating Dull Skin

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For healthy skin that glows from within, make the following changes to your lifestyle and see the difference!

1. Hydration

What matters most for skin's dull appearance and health is water. If the skin is not hydrated properly, it becomes dry and dull, while well-hydrated skin will be plump and glowing. Adults need to consume at least eight glasses of water each and every day to impart enough moisture to every organ of the body.

Skin is the largest organ of one's body and the most visible too. So if you provide your skin with insufficient hydration, you can get a dry and lusterless skin. Sip a lot of water throughout the day to get a moist and supple skin. Drinking in small quantities 'n' number of times is a better option than just gulping a few glasses at one go.

2. Pamper Your Skin With Fluids

Drink a variety of fluids - not just water. While drinking 10 to 12 glasses of water is very essential, you should also give your skin a touch of nourishment with nutrient-filled drinks. Green tea, fresh fruit juices, green juices, vegetable juices, and tender coconut juice - all these are ideal to keep your skin hydrated and nourished from within. However, keep your hands off coffee and tea, as the excessive consumption of these beverages can leave your skin dehydrated and dull. Water and other liquids, when consumed without sugar, help in flushing out toxins, making sure that your skin brightens up. The anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants in these fluids combat premature aging too. You can also mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a cup of warm milk and drink it daily for that moisturized glow.

3. Eat Right

You are what you eat - truer words were never spoken! The right diet will give you a bright complexion. Chuck out those noodles and biscuits. Instead, munch on fresh fruits rich in fibers and antioxidants, including vitamin C and vitamin A. The benefits: toxins are eliminated, free radicals are scavenged, and damaged cells and tissues are repaired. In short, your skin undergoes a complete rejuvenation and revitalization process, resulting in a soft, supple, and glowing skin.

4. Sleep Well

Sleep well to look well. Everybody is different, but, on an average, you require 8 hours of sleep every day. In a day filled with deadlines and social obligations, finding 8 hours for sleeping might seem impossible, but you have to do what's necessary for that beautiful, radiant skin. Wait! 8 hours does not mean you can hit your bed at 3 a.m. and wake up at 11 in the morning. Go to bed early, at least by 11 p.m., to wake up fresh. The skin cells also need time to relax and rejuvenate. When you are asleep, your damaged skin works overtime to create new, healthy cells. Drink a cup of warm milk with honey or just take a good shower to sleep like a baby. Unwind yourself completely, meditate for 10 minutes, and hit the pillow.

5. Restrict Alcohol Intake

Alcohol, when consumed in moderate amounts, can be healthy for your body, but not for your skin. Alcohol can leave your skin dehydrated, making it look completely dull and lifeless. Smoking too can lead to similar results. You can definitely drink a glass of red wine, but reduce the frequency and quantity to a bare minimum.

6. Workout Regularly

Exercising is a must if you wish to give yourself that radiance. Working out regularly improves the circulation of blood. A good fitness regimen enables better absorption of nutrients and better excretion of impurities via sweat. Once your body is nourished from within, your skin mirrors the goodness. A body free of toxins will also glow automatically. Be it yoga or gym, the choice is yours. If not anything else, indulging in a brisk walk for 45 minutes a day can render the same benefits as a 20-minute treadmill workout.

7. Healthy Fats

Omega fatty acids are helpful for our health, but we can't produce it ourselves. So we need to ensure we obtain omega fats from an external source. The natural sources of these omega fatty acids are salmon, walnut, coconut, flax seed and avocado.

These fatty acids do have a vital role to play in the health of the heart and brain, and can give us healthy skin and hair. They also have anti-inflammatory properties along with keeping the skin's moisture barriers soft and healthy. Omega fatty acids are referred to as 'healthy fats' because these fatty acids are not only fatty but also have positive benefits on our health.

8. Exfoliation

Getting radiant skin is not such a tough task as you may think apparently. Simple scrubbing the skin can help you get rid of dead and dull skin cells. You can use a cream scrub or even a soft loofah for exfoliation which can slough away the dead skin cells which accumulate on the surface of the skin. Dead skin cells can dull the appearance of one's skin and trap the healthy and radiant skin.

So, you need to exfoliate at least one day every week so that the upper layer of dead skin cells gets removed. Exfoliation also can stimulate the growth of new cells and help you achieve a radiant luminescent complexion.

9. Moisturization

Regular moisturizing of skin also is very important as moisturizers after shower help us retain the skin's water content thus, helping the skin glow. It also is very important to note that the good quality moisturizer is a better option as will offer a variety to suit different skin tones and types. Moisturization will help the skin look radiant, thus boosting confidence in women.

I hope the tips mentioned above tips for treating dull skin can help you to get a fresh, dewy complexion. Also, you should massage your facial skin once or twice a week which helps in improving the blood circulation. And you can also try a steam facial to cleanse the skin thoroughly. This will make the skin free of toxins and cosmetics which can cause damage.

A beautiful, radiant skin is now within your reach. So what are you waiting for? Allow your skin to soak in the goodness of these home remedies and start glowing.

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