Help Me!

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What was he doing here, this late at night?!

I grabbed for my phone but couldn't find it. I tip toed around in the dark trying to feel for my phone on my cabinet. Ah I found it.

I rang Tom. He didn't answer at first, obviously he's asleep I guess, but I'll ring back soon.

I then heard my front door slam open, and I peeped my head out and it was Jason. To be honest this guy was a lot bigger then me with a lot of muscle, so I couldn't take him down by myself.

Then I felt a hand grabbing my arm and I turned to face Jason.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, I told you NO!" I say screaming in his face as he pushes me hard against the wall.

"I'm not going to take no for an answer!" he yells back pushing his mouth onto mine and I knee him in the balls.

He crouches down with pain so I tried running to the bathroom but then he punched me in the ribs. It hurts so much, but I still manage to pull myself to the bathroom and lock the door.

I pulled my phone out and rang Tom again. This time he answered.

"Ruby, what's wrong?" I hear faintly as he says tiredly.

"Tom! Jason's here, he broke in" I say nearly sobbing because of my ribs.

All I can hear is thumping from Jason trying to get in the bathroom.

"What?! I'm coming over now!" he says.

I hope he comes fast because I can't hold this door for much longer!

I couldn't hold the door anymore and then he barged in and he looked at me with anger in his eyes, he nearly teared my jumper off me but then someone grabbed him and slammed him onto the ground.

Tom was here, and he was really going at it. Tom got punched too, but he definitely got more hits on Jason.

Then Jason ran off, well jogged... I told Tom to chase him but he intended on seeing if I was okay.

"What did he do? Are you hurt?" he asked.

"I think he was about to assault me.. he punched me real hard in the ribs" I say.

"You're staying at mine tonight, He won't trouble us again."

He helps me to his car.

When we arrived to his house, I went to the bathroom to check out where I'd been punched. I lifted my top to reveal a very big bruise there. Tom walked in and saw it.

"Oh jeez" he says walking over to me.

Tom stood there staring at the bruise, then he gently placed his hand on it, his touch leaving goosebumps.

He knelt down and laid a kiss on it.

"Hopefully that makes it better.." he says with a smile.

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