Nothing's Right.

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Toms POV

*** I see Ruby in the distance, wearing a beautiful white dress with white flowers in her flowing hair. She's twirling around in the daisies, and then she turns and runs to me. Her hands fit perfectly in mine, her eyes are locked in mine, we kiss.***

Suddenly I wake. That was just a dream. I only see her in my dreams.

It's been a week since the day it all happened, and I have not gone back to work. I've been thinking about it, but then quickly hesitate too.

I've also been thinking a lot about other things. Such as getting my revenge on Jason, he killed my beautiful girl.

I sat at the table, playing with my knuckles and reloading my gun. I've been sitting at this table all week playing with the gun. I wanted to end this pain, but Ruby wouldn't want that. I need to get this guy by myself, because getting put in a prison is not good enough...

The bit that I thought about over and over again is that it's illegal what I would be doing and that's what I'm against.

But for Ruby I'd do anything.

I wouldn't even know the first place to look for him though. But I won't stop searching.

I place down my badge on the table and left a little note right beside it. Just in case something did happen. I put my gun in my pocket and headed to my car.

I had no emotion on my face, but it my head there was anger, a lot of anger.

Every place I go, I remember her being there.

**"Tommy!" I hear a voice from the passenger seat. "Ruby? I miss you!" "Make the right decisions." I grab for her hand but them she isn't there**

Ruby was always with me. I could feel it.

With that I sped off into the distance, going to find Jason.

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