All My Fault

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Why does he have my sister!

"What are you doing with my sister?!" I say aggressively. I know this guy is tough as he hurt Ruby.

"Just having some fun." he says laughing.

"Where are you!''

"Come find me!" Jason says before hanging up.

I'm so terrified that he's going to hurt my sister Destiny! She's very fragile. This is all my fault. My families getting hurt because of me!

My first thing I did was ring Doug, and ask if he could track down where the call came from.

"Doug, it's Tom.."

"I haven't heard from you in a while, I'm sorry for what happened." Doug says.

"It wasn't your fault... Doug I need you to do something for me.."

"Sure anything!"

"I need you to take my phone and track down a call. "

"Okay Tom, bring the phone over and ill get it tracked by today."

I drove to Doug's house and knocked on the door. I was invited in and I told Doug exactly what had happened.

"Oh Tom, I'm so sorry, ill get it tracked now! He heads to his computer and plugs the phone in. It was pretty quick, that he pulled where it came from.

"Tom, they're at the highschool."

I think to myself, this is where it all happened.

"Thanks Doug." I say heading to the door.

"Wait." I hear Doug say.

"I'm not letting you go alone. Brothers for life remember!"

"Brothers for life."

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