Love Hurts.

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Last nights sleep was terrible, the only good thing about it was that I knew I was safe and not alone, Tom was there. The night was full of tossing and turning and being in pain because of my ribs.

When the morning came I was awake two hours before school was about to start and Tom was still asleep. I decided that I would go back to my place before he got up and that I'd just see him at the 21 jump street chapel meeting before school.

I left him a note telling him how grateful I was that he let me stay at his for the night and that I didn't want to bother him even more.

I felt very confused about what me and Tom have. That it's not even a relationship and he is very protective of me. I'm also actually sad because I don't think we'd ever be together as a couple.

When I got to my house I had a flash back of last night and I stood outside my house for about five minutes. I was actually afraid that Jason would come back again.

I finally forced myself to enter the house. I looked around curiously and no one was there, thankfully.

I got into a shower and I don't know why but I jut broke down into tears. I was sitting on the showers floor with my knees brought up to my chest crying my heart out. My thoughts running through my head like mad.

Why can't I just grow up and be strong? Why am I crying! I'm supposed to be acting like a cop when really I'm acting like a kid. I wish I could tell Tom how I'm really feeling about this hole situation, but he will probably think it's stupid.

I finally got up out the shower and got dressed. I had a few messages on my mobile from Tom. He was asking why I left. I decided to not reply as if probably just start crying again.

I looked at myself in the mirror and realised my eyes were so red from all the crying. I put on my makeup and messily tied up my hair.

When I got to the chapel everyone was already in there and they were waiting for me. They all looked at me weird, Tom told them about what happened with Jason last night. They all looked at me like I couldn't handle the job and there stares mad be a little angry.

"So are you up for the rest of this job Ruby or did you want to be put ok desk duty for a little while?" Captain fuller says.

"I am up to it, I couldn't control what happened last night I didn't know it was coming!" I say angrily.

"Well you three need to know who Jason's supplier is and find out whose supplying the weapons at school! you's have a lot of work to do!"

I stormed out of his office.

"Ruby we will give you a lift to school." Tom says to me.

"Thanks but I'll walk." I say, feeling bad.

Why do I push people away for! I hope this school day isn't bad because honestly not going to be in a good mood.

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