You said you wanted attention for us. Is this enough?

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  "Annabeth, truth dare or double dare?" Percy said to me.

Remembering my promise to Piper I said, "Double dare with Piper" Percy seemed to smile at this idea.

"You and Piper have to do a modelling show with swimwear and when I say swimmer wear I mean bikinis. I want you two have attention like jason and I." Percy smiled. He really wanted revenge

"Okay" I say smiling at him. "Well why don't you and Jason gather up all the boys and meet us in the amphitheatre ?" I say smiling sweetly walking out to Piper's cabin.

"How we getting around this?"

"Okay, hear me out" Piper started "Why don't we pretend to model normal clothes then strip to swim wear"

"You know if Chiron or Mr D catch us we're dead right?"

"That's why I convinced Chiron to go to the god meeting Mr D was attending. I said the gods want a stronger connection with the demigods and so he should go and show how we are doing."

"Ok fine but I am stealing your clothes, most of mine are worn."

"Fine by me" Piper said walking in and nearly gagging "Who needs this much perfume?"

"Sorry Piper. The girls were complaining how stinky they were and when I said take a shower they complained about only having cold water. They are very girly!" A blonde girl who looked about 13 came up to us. "And they are complaining about being bored and they're about to go flirting with Jason and Percy they said"

"No they don't," Piper said standing up on a chair "OK everyone Annabeth and I have a job for you, find us a bikini each, loose short shorts, meaning tight but still easy to pull off, a crop top and a pair of heels" She comanded and it took a total of 2 minutes for the items to be pushed into our hands.

We got changed and walked to the amphitheatre, looking out there was about every guy but they all looked uncomfortable.

"Here goes nothing" I say before walking out with Piper.

The music started and Piper and I started dancing, the Percey and Jason both looked at us in disbelief as we started dancing.  Heads turned to us before looking quickly away.

"Piper" I whisper to her as we danced back to back "No one is looking"

"The boys scared them. Here turn around" I obeyed and Piper grabbed the end of my shirt and I followed her lead. We started to tease everyone we broke off and continued to tease, getting higher and higher until we were about to show underneath. About 50% of heads had turned to us. I looked at Piper and she nodded and I pulled it up one more before losing my shirt earning a few cheers and wolf whistles.

Piper and I went back together dancing back to back swaying our hips and overall trying to look sexy. Piper was brilliant at it but I guess that's from the aphrodite in her. We parted and I looked over, Piper was already teasing about her shorts when I had a brilliant idea. I danced over to Piper and grabbed her facing me letting her take the lead in sexily dancing. She played with my button and I played with hers, she grabbed my stomach and made her way up to my top pretending to play with the straps.

"What's up?" She asked playing with my clothes.

"Brilliant idea we get Jason and Percy to take off our shorts"

"Good job Beth, bring them both up on stage and I'll get chairs." She says and threatens to pull the strap then heads off stage as I dance down to Jason and Percy and grab their hands pulling them on stage. I put Jason's hand on my lower back and held it there with my hand and I put Percy's hand on my butt and held it there for him.

Piper came back on stage carrying two chairs and after putting them dragged Percy away, oh well I'll trust her, sat him down then danced around him before leaning next to his ears feeling his chest. I followed this lead with Jason.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I felt his chest

"Following Piper's lead," I say before going to Percy who was left by Piper. "Hey baby" I say following Piper's lead in straddling him before rolling my shoulder so my breasts were close to his face. I then danced around him before going to the front and turning him. I place his hands on my stomach and move them down to my pants before putting then on my button. "You said you wanted attention for us. Is this enough?" I say leaning forward lowering my hand under his shirt.

"This isn't what we meant"

"But aren't you happy you got it?" I say helping him undo the button and zipper and I lead his hands to the waist at the back and pulling it down slowly. I traced his hands to the front and let him pull the front down. His hands rubbing against that part of my body sent tingles through me. I let the pants fall to the ground and stepped out of them.

I looked over at Piper and an extremely happy looking Jason who was touching her butt, his fingers trailing down at the waist of the bottoms.

"Wise Girl no" Percy said as I sat down on him. "This isn't us" I hear him say and I dragged his hand up my hips onto the waistband on my bottoms.

"Your right," I say standing up and pulling him up "Let's just look like we're about to do something when we get out of here," I say leading him, I walked backwards as his hand rested on my upper stomach. I walked to the edge of the theatre and winked before leading Percy out.

"Thank you for being such a good sport," I say leaning up and kisses his cheek before shivering at a gust of wind.

Percy shrugged off his shirt and put it over me. "You must be really cold. Don't ever do that again ok? I wanted to kill most of the guys in there when they were screaming at you." Just then Jason and Piper came out.

"Hey, where did you guys go? If you wanted to do it, you didn't have to wait to come off stage all you do is pull down the back of Annabeth's pants and Percy you undo your zipper and well it wouldn't be hard to get it out your pants, I mean with how Annabeth was dancing on you, it would have been pretty big and then Annabeth just moves her hips to help get it fully out and then she moves more to help to position it and wham!"

"Piper how do you know all this?"

"I don't know, partly because of all the movies the girls made me watch and then I don't know"

"You girls were great!" Leo said running over earning a slap from Percy and Jason "And Piper and Jason, it you went any further you would have needed protection!" The couple blushed furiously. "Anyway lets go play more" Leo said leading the way to cabin 3.

"Ok Malcolm truth or dare?"

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