"You'd know all about thaf wouldn't you Piper"

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Piper POV
"Uhh double dare with Frank I guess," Hazel looked nervously between me and her significant other.
"Hmm, Hazel and Frank I feel like you two are the most innocent of the group," I noticed I slight smirk on Franks face, which leads me to believe that they put up an innocent facade. "Okay Hazel go lie down on the bed and close your eyes. I'm going to surprise you with the rest." I commanded Hazel and nodded for frank to come towards me.
"Now Frank," I talk in a low voice, "I want you to transform into any creature you would like, and then go over to Hazel and eat her out."
"Sounds good to me, but what animal do you reckon?" Frank spoke casually as though he didn't care whether he was in an animal form, he got to get up and personal with Hazel.
"Umm I mean dogs are pretty good with their tongues?" I suggest
"Yeah you would know all about that wouldn't you Piper" Percy joked so I just death glared him.
"A dog is it then," Frank turned into the toughest looking dog you can imagine and walked his way over to Hazel.
"Okay Hazel you're surprise is about to start." I call before Frank took one long lick up the girls' thigh.
Hazel seemed oddly comfortable with this arrangement which made me think that it isn't the first time it happened.
Frank then proceeded to reach his head up Hazels leg and grab her lace panties and pull them down. My, my, my Hazel you are not as innocent as you seem!
The 'dog' then proceeded to lick and nuzzle with Hazel.
Five minutes later and Frank wasn't the only one panting like a dog.
"So umm," Hazel said, trying to straighten herself up "Piper, truth, dare or double dare?"

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