Leave Me Alone!

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Thank you to everyone who supports and reads this story. The reads have been growing rapidly. I greatly appreciate it.

Now in the perspective of Dylan...

Dylan couldn't understand what he had done to Ebony to cause her to become distant from him. He literally treated her with the utmost respect. At one point, he could've sworn that the two established a bond. It was evident they liked each other, so he thought eventually they would hook up. Of course, at Ebony's pace. 

Not many girls grasped Dylan's attention like Ebony did. Most girls chased him. They were attractive, but they weren't what he wanted. Ebony had this aura about her that gravitated him to her. He even told his mom about her, which is something he had never done before. 

He and his mother were in the kitchen, making dinner together. Dylan enjoyed cooking. It was a hobby for him. He even thought about pursuing a career as a chef. His mother taught him everything he needed to know about cooking. Dylan's little sister sat on the couch, watching My Little Pony. 

On this particular day, Dylan was making roasted ham, baked macaroni and cheese, brown rice with gravy and peach cobbler. Days like this he cherished. He absolutely loved cooking with his mother. Even though she was busy with her job, she always seemed to make time for her children. They were her joy. She raised them all alone, so someone has to be that positive role model in their life. 

"So, what's going on with you and your little friend?"Sheila, Dylan's mother, asked. 

"Nothing." She realized he wasn't as enthusiastic as he usually is when he spoke of her. 

"What's wrong?"

"She just...I don't even know. One minute we were cool and hanging out. Then the next, she's blowing me off. I didn't even do anything to her. Why would she be treating me like that?" Dylan expressed. 

"Maybe she feels overwhelmed with her emotions. She might be confused as to if she's really in love or not. You know some people out there are actually afraid of love. Give it some time. She'll come back around." Sheila advised. Dylan nodded. It made sense to him but still he was hurt that Ebony treated him like that. 

"I understand. She's like one of my closest friends. Why would she neglect me?"

"Give her some time, Dylan. If it really concerns you that much, talk to her about it. Try to pull her aside and just receive some type of understanding. Still give her space. You can't make someone want to be around you."

It left Dylan thinking. What possible reasons could explain Ebony's strange behavior? 

The next day at school, Dylan searched for Ebony. Usually she'd be there. Maybe she's just showing up late, Dylan thought to himself. He just wanted some clarification. Is that too much to ask for?

Finally, he saw Ebony walking swiftly down the hallway. She seemed to be in a rush, but the school bell hadn't even rung. Dylan caught up to her. 

"E, what's your issue?" He asked her. She pretended to not hear. He lightly grabbed her arm. She brushed him off. 

"Ebony? Really? Why are you acting like that? How you just gonna up and leave me? Tell me what's wrong. What did I do to you?" Dylan said again. 

"Leave me alone!" Ebony screamed. Dylan was taken aback. 

"Alright, you got it. Fine then." Dylan replied, letting go of the situation. Just like his mother told him, he wasn't going to force her to be around. 

He had no idea what had gotten into her, but hopefully she would calm down and retreat back to her friend. 

This fucking chapter sucks but just a quick update for y'all. Be ready for another one. 

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