The Hospital

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Travis's POV

I woke up on the couch went to the kitchen and started to cook. I still felt bad about yesterday. After cooking I went up to the room of Katelyn and opened the door. I saw her still asleep I went up close. I knelt down close to her and I kissed her on the forehead. I stood up again and saw her waking up. As soon as she opened her eyes. I apologized to her for yesterday.
K: Travis it's ok.
T: No it's not ok
She pulled my shirt close to her and sealed the space between our lips. I stayed there until we parted. After the kiss I saw Avery waking up.
T: Morning sleepy angel.
Av: Morning dad, Morning mom.
T: Come on guys I cooked breakfast.
K: Come on Avery let's go eat.
A: Ok mom
After eating Kate and Trevor were crying. So Katelyn picked both of them up. She brought them down. I carried Kate and she held Trevor. We were racking them to sleep. I said to Katelyn
T: Katelyn do you want to go to a date later?
K: Why not Travis.
T: Really?
K: Yeah sure.
T: Let's fix up then pick ourselves a suit and a dress. I'll called the babysitter and let her know that we are not going home until late. So I told her to bring your stuff for tonight until tomorrow.
K: Ok

After a few hours

T: Ready to go on the date?
K: Yeah!
We left the babysitter with kids. We got into the car and drove somewhere.
K: Where are we going?
T: You'll see later.
K: Travis you know I hate mysterious things.
T: I know.
K: Tell me where we're going.
T: Nope
She sighed in defeat.
I stopped the car and went out. I went to her side of the car and motioned my hand to go out. I pulled her out of the car.
We were at the park. I got a remote out of my pocket and pressed it. She looked confused when I pressed it. After a few seconds lights opened around us. She looked surprised. I put out a small box and I gave it to her. She opened it and it was a light blue amulet necklace. I got it and went behind her and fixed the necklace on her.
K: OMI Travis the necklace looks so nice.
T: Especially on the person I love.
She starts blushing.
T: No need to get embarrassed.
We just walked to Olive Garden since it was pretty close to the park. We went inside and an employee showed us to a table. We ordered then we waited. The food finally arrived and we ate. I paid the waiter and left a tip. We left going home. We were just listening to music in the car then I just saw white lights.

Nicole's POV
I got a call from an unknown number. I answered it.
N: Hello?
??: This is the Blessed Irene's Hospital.
N: Why what happened?
??: Your friend Katelyn and her husband Travis got into a car crash.
N: What?!? I'm going there right now.
??: Please hurry.
I arrived at the hospital. I asked for their rooms and then I left for the room of Travis. I saw him unconscious when I went in. He was connected to tubes everywhere. The blood was being transferred to him to make him live. There was blood all over him and scratches everywhere. The doctor came in and said
D: Please leave we have to give him a surgery.
I nodded then went to the room of Katelyn. She was conscious and asked me where we were.
N: We are at the hospital Katelyn.
I saw scratches and a bleeding on the leg.
K: What happened?
N: You got into a car crash.
K: What?!? Where is Travis?
N: He's in critical condition since he had most of the impact. He is in the ER. Then they'll move him into the ICU
She gasped and started to tear up.
K: I'm remembering that he pushed me out of the car. This is all my fault.
N: Katelyn it is not your fault.
I walked closer and hugged her. She started crying on my shoulder. I comforted her to sleep. I went to Travis's room outside. The doctor came out and said
D: We don't know how long we can keep him here until he's fully healed. We approximately think about 2 months. He has a 20% of living.
I gasped then started crying.
I thought of the kids. That they would not have a dad if he doesn't live. Katelyn needs him so much.
I said to myself
N: Don't die Travis.
The doctor went out and said............

Cliffhanger I'm so evil. I almost cried to my own story.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's ok if you cry because my dad did.

826 words

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