The Plan Executed

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Katelyn's POV
I woke up and saw Zed sitting on the chair playing with his phone. I then stood up and went to the bathroom. After I used the bathroom I sat on the couch and started thinking of what will happen. After a few minutes I heard a door open then close. I looked and it was Travis. I stood up and ran to him and started crying into his chest. He hugged me and kissed me on the forehead and said
T: We'll think of someway to find Jeffrey.
K: Did he call you earlier?
T: Yeah why?
K: Because when I was in high school I was good at triangulating phone calls.
T: Yeah I remember you going to those classes.
K: Give me your phone.
He gives me the phone and I started triangulating the phone number.
K: I know where he called from call the police and tell them to follow us.
Travis nodded and did what I said.
We went to the place apparently the place was an abandoned factory. The police closed off the perimeter. They went in and we followed. When we went inside we saw Avery in the middle of the giant room. And we saw Jeffrey 1 floor above her with a gun pointed at her. I gasped and the police started going around him trying to get to Avery. Whenever the police try to get to her Jeffrey points it at them. And when one of them got very close he a shot me ricocheted around and hit one of the windows. Jeffrey started shaking and one of the cops got behind him and tackled him. So the cops got Avery out of the knots of the rope. Avery started running to us. When she got to us; she hugged my leg then Travis. I picked her up and went out of the factory. We went to the car and Avery went in and I went in the car and Travis followed. We drove home in silence. When we went home I carried Avery into the house. I put her down on the bed she then slept. I sat next to her bed and Travis entered the room and put his hand on my shoulder and said
T: We won't lose her again Katelyn.
K: This was all my fault.
T: Katelyn it's not your fault
K: It is my fault I should've been stronger to protect her, Trevor and Kate.
T: Katelyn no it's not yours.
K: It is mine.
I said raising my voice. Travis pulled me up and hugged me and said
T: Katelyn stop blaming yourself for what happened. I will never blame you for that. I love you too much to blame you for that incident.
Also raising his voice
K: Thanks Travis you always know what to say when I'm down.
I parted from the hug and I kissed him. I then parted and went to the couch. I opened the TV to keep my mind off the incident. And then Travis sat beside me and put his arm around me. I cuddled with him while watching my favorite love story. I was happy that everything is back to normal.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed
See you later
Bye Bye

 Travlyn FF Love and Tragedy {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now