11: Hallway Track

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Sunday rolls by fast, and before I know it, it's Monday morning and I'm still receiving the same whispering gossip as I did Friday. I had hoped that they'd find something better to talk about, but apparently I'm much more interesting than I ever I knew.

The hallways are still just as crowded, but people now move out my way as I walk down them. Words repeated every time I past. "I heard he put Jarvez in a hospital." I heard one say. "I heard Jarvez killed himself from embarrassment." Said another. "I heard he used to be a gang member." Eventually I start rolling my eyes and biting my tongue. These people, I swear, live off of gossip. It's like nothing else seems to be more important in their lives than radically false accusations that float throughout the school.

These people are insane. No wonder I tried so damn hard not to be noticed. I mean, they act like this is some over-dramatic book or soap opera. So. Damn. Stereotypical.

First period English was a down right bore. The teacher continued on about the book not one of us has cared enough to read. Hell, I don't even remember the title.

The class dreads on quickly, and once the bell rings, Mr. Santino assigned us to read the next four chapters. I made a mental note to try and read it. I love to read, but the garbage they give us can put us into a coma of absolute boredom.

I avoid River. Every time I even see a glimpse of his leather jacket, I turn the other way. Computer Science is on the other end of the school, so I have to rush. It's actually really hard to do when you're so focused on keeping away from someone.

When I finally make it into the correct hall, I see him. He stands there with his back slouch against the wall, his foot propped up to support him. He is writing something down in his binder, so I could easily slip past if it weren't for the fact he was standing right beside my classroom door.

Maybe it'd be smart to try and talk to him, but I'm to scared of his response to try. I attempt to calculate a way around this, but fathom absolutely nothing. So I end up just staring at him like the starker I am, and wait for him to leave. It doesn't happen. The bell rings, and he still just stands there. When he finally looks up, and those blue eyes meet mine, everything freezes. My breathing stops. My muscles grow stiff. My mouth goes completely dry. The only sound in the vacant hallway is my heartbeat, which I'm certain even he can hear. 

He pushes himself off the wall and starts walking toward me. My entire being is to rigid to move. His slow and careful pending strides are so graceful, and I try to focus on exactly that. Once he's a few steps away from me, I grow completely aware and act upon impulse. I run. I run down the hall as fast as I can, my breath picking up speed  every time my foot scrapes the tile floor. I can hear him calling my name in the distance, and I question my decision to run. But before I can decide against it, I'm already out if the building, leaning over to catch my breath.

"Hey Stud." I almost groan in agitation as I hear Holly's voice from the side of me. I drag my fingers carelessly through my hair before looking up at her with a smile.

"Hey Holly." I reply. She has a light smile on her face as she swings her hip with every slow step to me. I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Why are you running out the building like it's on fire. I mean, I hate school too, but I'm usually a bit more subtle with it." I fake out a chuckle and stand up straight.

"I was considering trying out for track, thought I'd practice." I say with a hint of sarcasm, which she doesn't seem to pick up.

"Well I suggest you use the field, it's a much better space." I would never, in a million years, try out for a hobby in which you run with no destination but a finish line. It's pointless for lazy people such as myself.

"I'll think about that." I laugh a little, amused only by my current situation. I take a quick glance behind me to insure he didn't follow.

"You never called me." She whispers solemnly. I would feel guilty if I had it in me, but sadly I do not.

"Never had a chance." I state plainly. Her smile returns to her face as she grabs my hand, dragging me behind her to the parking lot. For a moment I'm scared for my innocent virtue, but before I can question her, she looks at me with a big, bright, toothy grin that makes my stomach twist.

"Me and a few friends are going to skip today and hang out at the spot. It's going to be a fun little get together and your going to be date." The spot. Ah, the place where seniors go to get drunk and try not fall off a cliff and plunge into the River. River. I don't think I should go.

"It's not really my scene, Holly." She ignores me and ushers me into her little blue Volkswagen before she hops into the driver's seat and makes her way out of the lot.

"Don't worry! It'll be fun. Everyone is dying to meet you, plus I'll be there. So you don't have anything to worry about." Yes, because her presence while I'm surrounded by drunk, sex-addicted maniacs is so comforting. Please note the fucking sarcasm.

I don't say anything though. I just sit there while she sings along to Kesha. Which makes me pity my eardrums.

"Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy. Put my glasses on, I'm out the door, gonna hit this city!" I suppress a groan and just stare at the window, praying to God this night doesn't ruin my life.

Poor Carter. Do think he should have just listened to what River had to say? What do you think is his excuse?

I'll give you a hint....

NOT! Have fun piecing together the mystery of River's actions while Carter attends his first party ever.

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