Chapter 5

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"Hello, Levi" eyebrows said. I nod and the brunette lady had glasses and ran over to me. She practically trampled over me, but then again my hight is 5'3. She tackled me into a hug and i couldn't breath.

"Hi Levi! We are you new parents! I am so excited for you to see your brother! Im Hanji and this is Erwin! Your new brothers name is Reiner!" I freeze. Reiner new brother.

"Get your ass packed and out of my home you shit." Kenny said to me and pulled me out of the crazy ladies grip and pushed me down the steps. I grabbed my box and he pushed me up the steps and out the door were the other 2 were waiting in a car. I walked to their car and hopped in the back seat with my box of things.

As we were driving i was thinking, what is going to happen? Is he going to hate me still? Of course he is. We pulled up to a light grey house that had a flower garden in front. We all got out of the car and we walked in.

The front hallway was connected to the kitchen and living room with the stairs on the wall of the living room. Next to the shoe closet their was a bathroom. They showed me around. The up stairs had 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and a closet. The bathrooms separated the bedrooms.

When they got to my room they opened the door and it was white with a grey carpet and a queen size bed. The pillows were white with a black blanket. I had a white desk with a computer and a walk in closet.

"We will let you get settled and then we will have dinner at 5. We will call you down." Eyebrows said as he closed the door. I walk to the closet and put my few clothes away. I then walk to the desk and plug in my Black IPhone. I had a text from Kenny
Kenny Ackermen
You better be
food so they
don't send you
back to me.


After that i heard my door slam open and when i looked back i was pushed to the floor. "Why the hell ar-... Oh, so you are still my little puppy." I look at the owner of the deep voice and saw Reiner with a couple friends of his. Annie, Berthold and Petra. They all laugh. I was then pulled up to my feet by my collar right up to Reiners face. I was standing on my tippy toes.

"Time to eat!" Hanji calls out just in time. He pushes me backwards to were i fall down and they all smirk and walk out. I stand up when they are out of sight and start to walk down stairs. When in the kitchen i see Hanji, eyebrows and Reiner sitting at the table with 4 full plate of food. I sit down and everybody starts to eat.

Their was steak, corn a blueberry muffin and some patatos. I start to eat the patato and after a couple bites i started to get full. Like i said i never got feed Breakfast and dinner so i was never used to it. I managed to finish the patato and by the time i did everybody was already done.

"Are you ok dear?" Hanji asked. "Um, yeah. Can i be excused?" I asked. She nods and takes my plate as i get up. I headed to my room and got on the computer. I started to play 'World At War Zombies' with some random people. About 2 hours later i was the only person that didn't need to be revived and hordes of zombies came after me. I jumped down the railing and went to revive my friends but the zombies got me and it was game over. I made it to round 97 and got the most kills. After that i got off. It was 8 at night so i decided to go for a walk. I walked down stairs and told Hanji.

As i walked down the street i kept hearing foot steps behind me but each time i checked their was nobody. I walk for about and hour and it was 9:17 so i decided to head back home.

Once home i hopped in the shower and after that i got in my pajamas and went to bed, it was 10:38 and i fell asleep.

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