Chapter 11

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"Wake up levi." A girls voice said. When i turned i saw Krista. I smiled a little at her but it quickly faded. "Whats up?" I ask her as i sit up and rub my eyes. "Well, levi. It is 2Pm and you haven't eaten anything yet. I heard the door click open and saw Ymir with a plate of food. She walked over and gave it to me.

I happily accepted it.

3 days later

I have been getting breakfast in bed and hanging out with Krista and Ymir for the past 4 days now. Im not complaining, they are nice.

I walked out of my room after breakfast and i was meet with a punch in my stomach. I fell to the floor holding my stomach.

"Whats wrong? Mommy not hear to save ya?" I hear a familiar voice say...Reiner.

"W-whats your problem?" I ask trying to stand put he pushes me to the railing. "My problem is that you wont just leave already!" He yells. If he lets me go, ima fall off a 4 story building and die. Or really badly injured. 

"Reiner Stop!" I hear Eren call out. Man, i haven't talked to him sense he practically made fun if me for wearing a sweatshirt to cover up. I look at Eren and he was running towards my. Reiner leans me back more and i grab onto his arm so i don't fall. "What? Don't want you boyfriend to fall? He isn't going to die." 

Eren grabs Reiners arm that is holding me, and pulls it back so i was no long hanging over the edge. He pushed me to the ground and walked off. "You ok Levi?" Eren asks as he helps me up.

"Y-yeah. I-im fine." U say and start to walk off but he pulled me into my room and pinned me to the door. I yelped in pain.

"L-levi...i-i was wondering, um well....w-would you like to.... Ah screw it." And with that Eren kissed me. At first i was hesitant but i wanted to kiss him so badly, so i did. He licked my bottom lip and i didn't understand. I felt him moves his hand down my body and stayed at my ass. I shivered at the feeling but made a yelp of surprise when he squeezed my ass. When i yelped his tongue slipped into my mouth. 

'Knock knock'

We heard a knock at the door. "Levi, are you almost done. We are going on a walk." Krista yells and we medianly stop kissing and i open the door.  Her smile dropped when he saw Eren. "What are you doing in Levis room!?" She says.

"N-NO krista its ok, he is... Hes my a..."

"Boyfriend." Eren finished for me.

Her eyes widened and a smile crept on her face. "My boy is dating someone! Ymir! Come quickly!" She yells and Ymir runs out of their room, right next to mine.

"W-what is is! What is wro-" "out boy is dating ! Quick grab the camera!" Krista yelled. She pulled out her phone and pointed it towards us. Eren pulled me close smiled. I did that same thing. I heard a click and saw a flash. Ymir was smiling as Krista was jumping around.

Time skip brought to you by...they are finally together and talking!

As we walked out of the lodge, we were in the back. Eren grabbed my hand and walked with me. About 30 minutes into the walk around the forest i heard a noise to my left. I look over and saw...

"Look, avocado deer!" Eren looks over and laughed. "You mean albino?" I look at him and processed what happened. I was to excited to say it right. I blush of embarrassment.

"Y-yeah, what ever. Avocado  albino... Same thing." "No, avocado is a vegetable(i think, i make guacamole all the time) and Albino is a person or animal having a congenital absence of pigment in the skin and hair, which are white, and the eyes, which are typically pink." I look at Eren, my death glare.

"What ever." I say.

Once we arrived back at the lodge it was 7Pm. Me and Eren were im my room.

"So, levi-"

"Why did u ask me out?" I say.

"W-what, well because...i like you."

"But why?"

"Your cute and nice." I just nod i response. "Now i have a question for you." I look up at him. "Why do you like me?"

"W-well, y-you helped me and your nice. I feel like somebody actually cares about me like my mom and dad did." After that i started to tear up. I looked at the ground. Eren pulled me into a hug and asked what was wrong."

"I just want my mom and dad back. I would give up everything for them. They promised to come back. I need*hick*them." I say crying. Eren was holding me and trying to calm me down, rubbing circles on my back and playing with my hair.

"Its ok levi."

"They..they promised! They never break promises!" I kinda shouted. "Levi calm down." Eren said.

"No! Don't tell me to calm down!l i shouted.

Eren jumped back a little. "Levi, it is ok. They are with yo-" eren got interrupted by the door opening.

"Levi are you ok?" Krista walked in. I had my back to her.

"Y-yeah. Im fine." I say calming down. I wiped my tears away. I felt arms go around me. Krista was hugging me.

"Ok, remember you can talk to me." She said and walked out. Eren then pulled me into a hug and laid us down. My head was on his chest and his head was on top  of mine.

"Im sorry." I say.

"No need to be. I understand."

I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep.

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