Your Royal Pain

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"You are an idiot!" I shout

I turn to face Jonathan as he sits across the table from me. His green eyes are narrowed at me in anger. We have been arguing for two whole hours about coronation day. He insists upon making me crown him governor, which would mean he would basically be at equal ruling power as me. He has been a pest my whole life. Th only reason he's upset is because, mother and father skipped him in line, so that I can rule. They already told him that he is unfit for the throne. He would be a tyrant, he would be evil and unkind. My thoughts are interrupted by a jug of water falling into my lap. In seconds, my trousers are soaked with the cold liquid. My eyes flare up at the cowering boy before me. His blue eyes fill with fear. I glare at him.

"You clumsy fool!" I snarl.

"I-I'm so sorry, your highness..." he stutters back.

I grab him by his hair and twist my wrist pulling him closer to my face. He whimpers in pain and my smirk widens at his distress. His eyes are squeezed shut and his lips curl up in pain.

"You are lucky I can't hurt you," I say and let go of him with a shove.

He stumbles back slightly then, looks at me and gulps. He is supposed to be a knight, but he is too young for battle. They decided the best thing for him is to be my "guard". However, I do not think I need protecting, so in some ways he has become my servant. Seems like a waste, but he is nice to look at. He is small, almost delicate. His body has a beautiful frame and gorgeous curves. I pull my eyes away from the small boy and snap my head back around to Jonathan.

"My answer is no. Good day, brother."

With that I exit the room.

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