The Vanished

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It has been four days since Louis' disappearance. He has been marked a deserter, but I know he would never just leave. Life is going on as if Louis never existed and I cannot  stand having to blend in with it. I have to pretend I was not in love with him. I hate pretending like he was just disposable.

       I have not found any leads or clues as to what happened, my hope is growing weaker. I am starting to think, he may have just left. Maybe, I pushed him too far by dancing in front of him or maybe, he grew sick of waiting on me hand and feet. Maybe, he has fallen out of love for me and did not wanna risk telling.

       I sit, now, in my desk a sheet of paper before me. It is a letter to Louis' family, regarding my concern and condolences.

Dear Tomlinson's

         I regret to inform you that Louis has been gone for four days and we have not received word from him. We fear the worst has happened, seeing as the night temperature is so low. If you have information on his whereabouts or where he may have gone, please seek contact.

      Louis was a fine knight. The Royal guard and army send their prayers and condolences. We are doing our best efforts to locate him. I understand if you grow concerned about funeral plans. We will continue to search for his body. I myself shall pay for all funeral expenses. My thoughts are with you at this time.

-Prince Harold

     Tears fill my eyes as I sign my name. How can I just write two paragraphs to them? I just told them their son is missing, I just told them he may be dead. How can I fit al that into two paragraphs? I look down at my swirling cursive letters. I have written these notes many times, but this one should have been different. This one should have been filled with grief and my apologies.

I take the bottom end and fold it just underneath the words Dear Tomlinson's. I place the folded letter inside an envelop and I place my seal in melted wax. I pick it up and press it down closing the letter inside. I remove the stamp and trace the red out line of an up case H. I place it in a slot on my desk for my assistant to pick up later.

He deserves a better letter, they deserve a better letter. They deserve something meaningful. I grab a price of parchment and a calligraphy pen.

Dear Tomlinson's
I wished more than anything that I did not have to write this letter. Even now as I sit here, I feel the dread that it bares. I am writing this letter do inform you that your son, your brother, your friend has vanished. We have not heard from him in little over 4 days. The likelihood of his survival in the cold is not high.

I am truly, full heartedly sorry. The loss I feel is the most painful thing. I cannot imagine the pain this letter brings you and as I wrote, I wish for the life of me that I could just crumple this away and make him appear, but I do not work miracles. If I could, I would make him appear unharmed.

I miss him dearly. I wish I knew how much I actually cared for him while he was here. I would have never let him away from my sight. Now I am beginning to realize that for the first time in my life... I love someone.

I would marry him I would make sure that he never stopped smiling. If he walked through those doors now, I would kiss him as if his lips are oxygen and I am drowning. I would comb my fingers through his brown tangles and whisper pretty "can't be's" in his ear. I would tell him I love him and how sorry I am. I would kiss his forehead softly and repeat "you're beautiful" over and over. I would hold him close to me.

I am sorry, though... Cause, I cannot work miracles

-Prince Harold

Prince Demanding (Larry)Where stories live. Discover now