I'm Dead

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     I have never really been to surprised by anything that happens in my life. Everything is pretty predictable. Like, I know that I have to wake up, wake Harry up, make his bed, fold his clothes, and then he'll give me my orders for the day. Nothing too out of the ordinary ever happens. So,  when Harry's lips are pressed against mine. I'm taken by full surprise.

      He pulls back and opens his eyes. He looks almost... Hurt?

"Kiss me." He says in a voice almost pleading.
"I'll be in trouble. I don't think..." I'm cut off.

        Once again his lips crash into mine. This time I notice how soft they are. Slowly, I find myself kissing back. Harry's hands find their way to my waist and he grabs me, holding me close to his chest. The kiss lasts at least a minuet.

        When we pull back I can feel how red my cheeks must be. I look up at Harry noticing he's blushing too, but his usual smirk is spread along his soft lips.

"I-I've been waiting for that..." I say softly

        He raises an eyebrow.

"Have you?" He asks,

        He bends down and picks up the shit I threw to the ground earlier in anger. He hands it to me and sits back on the bed.

"You still have work to do."

I roll my eyes at his teasing behaviour and fold the shirt back up. I open the dresser and place it down with care.

"H-Harry, I can be killed for what just happened." I tell him stuttering

I can be killed for kissing the prince. Even if I was a woman. Harry's family believes whole heartily that he marries a princess from a ally kingdom. If they found out he locked lips with a servant, especially a male servant, I'd be executed and Harry would be denied the throne.

"Oh, hush, Louis. I've always noticed you worry too much. No one will know, if you keep your lips closed." He speaks in his usual cocky tone, "Be a good little knight and go back to folding."

My lips fall into a soft pout. I just kissed the prince... I kissed Harry!

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