My Home Curses Me

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     I skipped work today. I didn't feel like going, not for any particular reason or excuse. I skipped for the simple fact that I wanted to.

     I climb the rock stairs of  the eastern tower. The staircase winds in a spiral to an upper room. I've been climbing for what feels like forever, my legs are sore and ache. I guess I don't use them as much as I think I do. I finally reach the wooden door and I push on the metal handle. The door opens and a cool wind escapes from within.

     I enter the room and close the door behind me. The circular room is completely empty besides the covered mirror in the corner. I walk to the empty window. The glass fell out awhile ago and no one bothered to repair it. I sit on the windowsill and hang my legs out. The tower is high so, there's a constant breeze blowing, it makes goosebumps appear on my arms and legs. It's cold, yes, but if I close my eyes for a single second... I am flying.

      Sitting up here above the world always makes me think of my family. I peer as far as my eyes allow me, only horizon. They are far from the horizon, far from my view. Too far for my thoughts sometimes. I feel guilty that I don't think about them as much as I should, but it's hard to think when you have a thousand things going on.

      I lay my head against the brick, sitting slouchy. The tops of trees goes on for a few miles and then there's the kingdom. Houses, stores, markets, stables, and farms. I've been there a few times, not many. The people glare as you walk by. Especially, when I am with the Knights. How they despise the Knights. For them, the knight to not protect, they collect. They collect taxes, if you have no money, jewellery, if you have no jewellery, food, if you have no food, time. you get sent to prison. Since, a third of the kingdom is poor, it makes the Knights very unwelcome.

       I grab a photo from my pocket and unfold the tattered black and white memory. A boy sits on a barrel. He's small and his hair is shaggy. He wears suspenders and a button up. Next to him a girl stands with her arms behind her back, she wears a Sunday dress and her hair lays in curls. She smiles kindly, softly. The boy of course, is me and the girl is my sister, Eva. She's changed a lot, I imagine. She's no longer a girl, as I am no longer a boy. I bet she's searching for a suitor.

I wonder if she still wears her hair like that, the way she parts it to the right or if she still writes poems. I wonder if her room is a paper and ink spilled mess as it always used to be. I wonder if she thinks of me or if her thoughts wanders to me sometimes. I wonder if she forgives me, for leaving. I remember her anger the day I left..


"Louis!" Eva shouts, her face filled with horror and anger. "How could you leave?"

     I shake my head and look at her trying to understand her anger. She should be proud of her younger brother.

"Eva, I will write you," I promise.

      She shakes her head and shoves me back with a slight force. I take a few stumbling steps backwards. I tilt my head at her.

"Don't bother, I won't answer them," she responds.

       My eyes sting with tears and I try to blink them away before she sees them. I turn my head and sigh helplessly.

"I'm doing good, Eva," I try to reason. "I'll be a knight... Why aren't you happy?"

      She looks at me bewildered and pissed. Her delicate face is scrunched in anger.

"Because you are leaving me and father!" She screams. "You have to stay, mother would have wanted that."

      I look at her hurt at the mention of our mother.

"Do not speak of her," I growl through gritted teeth, exiting from the house with my suitcase in hand.

      The wind blows suddenly quicker and the photo is taken from me. I watch it blow from my hand, I don't reach for it or try to get it. I just watch as it disappears with the wind. I lean against the bricks and pull my knees to my chest. I stare out at the  country below me. It's beautiful. It's something Harry's family should be proud of. It's something I have pride in, even though I am not from here nor do I serve it.

         My mind wanders back to home. I left to be a knight and became a maid. I gave up everything for nothing. Harry is the best reward I've gotten for it. He is my home now. He has been for 4 years. He just didn't know till recently.

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