Take A Chance

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Louis was in the barn preparing my horse to be ridden. I stood waiting on the patio deck. Jonathan stood beside me.

"Mind if I join you?" He asks me
"Yes, actually I do." I say putting on riding riding gloves, "A knight will be accompanying me and making sure I am safe."

He glares at me. His green eyes cold with envy like always. His brown hair is slicked back, he lets only a strand hang in front of his eyes.

     Louis walks out holding the reins of two horses. He looks so small next to the two big horses. He walks with them up to me. He goes to hand Jonathan the reins, but I stop him with my hand.

"No, Louis, you shall be joining me."

      His face lights up with a smile. I climb onto the horse. I watch him struggle onto the back of the horse, smiling like an idiot. Louis bows his head to Jonathan and with that we are off.

      I pick the trail that's the farthest from sight. The Woodland trail. Louis looks around in wonder. His face is so amazed it makes me laugh.

"What's this horses name?" He asks me
"Chance." I answer

     He smiles wider and I cannot help but notice how childlike he is. He looks nice on a horse. His facial expressions are beautiful, he is truly beautiful...

Prince Demanding (Larry)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora