chapter two.

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It's been a good few days since I've really thought about Jenna, since I've thought about telling Josh what actually happened. Now, I'm sure if I tell him I'm sure he'll get mad, or cry.. He has really bad anger issues, but he's also very sensitive. Either way, I need to tell him.

I decide to give him a call, and ask him to come over and hang out..

"Uh, hey, do you want to, come over?" I ask, I'm sure he doesn't.

"Well, I have a lot of stuff to do today and-" Josh says but I cut him off.

"Don't worry about it, its fine..." I said.. I knew he wouldn't want to.. Ugh.

"Tyler, stop being sad all the time, I'll be there in an hour" Josh quickly stated.

"Oh okay.." I smiled.

"Okay, but I have to go now so I can finish up cleaning." He said as he hung up before I could say bye.

I quickly went to the bathroom, to get ready and saw the floor still had a spilled bottle of pills, I didn't try to take them, I just thought about it, and then threw them everywhere. I'm completely stable I swear.

Anyways, I cleaned that up and got ready, in there. I threw on a black floral button up and my usual black jeans with a little cologne which I don't normally wear, it usually just sits on my bathroom counter and Josh uses it occasionally when he comes over.

I walked out of the bathroom attached to my room and picked up my bedroom, which wasn't really messy, just worthless crumbled paper of song lyrics that I wrote here and there. I threw them away and went out to the living room and played the Wii until I heard a knock on the door.

I walked over to answer the door to what I thought would be Josh. To my surprise, it was Jenna.

'Uh- Jenna?" I asked, clearly surprised to see she was here.

"Mm, you look nice, it was like you knew I was coming over" she smirked.

"Uh, no. Why are you even here?" I sassed, yet I was still slightly scared of her.

"I miss you babe, can I come in?" She asked stepping towards me, attempting to come in.

I quickly stepped forward so she couldn't make it past me. "Uhm, no actually, I have company coming over soon."

"Oh really? Already over me, you ass? Do you have a girl coming over?" She asked, clenching her fists.

"N-no, just Josh, he'll be here soon so if you don't mind, uh could you please leave?" I asked hardly smiling.

"Whatever. I'll be texting you later tonight though." She snapped, stomping away.

I closed the door, and sighed heavily as I sat back down on the couch. I should have known it wasn't Josh, why would he knock? I'm so stupid.

A few seconds later, Josh walks in. "Was that Jenna pulling out of your driveway?" He asked coming in, sitting across from me.

"Yeah.." I sighed.

"What did she want?" He asked.

"I don't know actually." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"So, Uhm.. Me and Jenna broke up, and it was because she, I don't know never mind it doesn't matter." I said, to embarrassed to tell him.

"She what?" He said, looking concerned.

"So, don't like, laugh or anything, but she was actually really abusive.." I said avoiding eye contact.

"Are you serious!? Is that why you cover yourself all the time!?" He said, sounding frustrated, but still slightly calm.

"Uh yeah.." I said, rolling up my sleeves showing him the bruises.

"Oh my god, Tyler I am so sorry, why didn't you tell me before?" He said, I think he was crying to be honest.

"Its embarrassing..." I pointed out.

"No it's not.. I'm so mad now. I can't believe she would fucking do that!" He sounded quite angry now, and Josh swearing is very rare, so I'm sure he's mad.

"Its okay, Josh-"

"How!? How is that okay?" He seemed very angry now.

"Because its over now, were not dating, I don't plan on it ever again" I looked up at him.

"Ugh. How did you even break up with her?" He asked.

"Don't call me a douche, but I did it over text.. She said 'I don't even know why I'm dating your worthless ass.' And I said 'me neither, let's break up' I didn't exactly say that but you get the point. I'm pretty sure if I did it in person I would get beat to death." I spoke honestly.

"I don't blame you, at least you're not dating her any more." He said, I agreed and that conversation was over.


Soon Josh's phone started ringing.

Josh answered and I soon heard him say 'But Im at Tyler's'

"Uh, hey, can Kaitlyn come over?" Josh asked. I didn't want to say no and be a dick, but I also didn't want to be the third wheel.

"Uh, yeah sure." I sighed.

Its not that I didn't trust her, but he's only known her for a few days. I don't want them to rush into anything.

Josh told her she could come over, and not to long later, she was here. Josh quickly got up and told me he would get the door. Kaitlyn walked in, and she was wearing a dark blue dress, and make up that looked like it took hours, seems like she was probably somewhere else before here, unless she's that desperate.

"Did you go somewhere before this?" I asked glancing over at josh who was just staring.

"Uh, no." She stuttered.

Josh looked at me as if I was being rude, and maybe I was, but for some reason, I don't really like Kaitlyn. I already feel like I'm going to be replaced by her, which might be silly of me to think but I can't help but think that Josh would rather be with her than me. I mean, as in spending time together, because I am completely straight, and he's my Best friend..




I have been trying to get this done for forever, its been a busy month, but here is the second chapter of this trashhH. (:


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