chapter four.

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"Do you know him?" Josh asked, curiously.

"No, but look!" I excitedly showed him the receipt, I honestly don't why I'm so happy now. I guess it's just nice that someone finds me attractive.

"Wasn't that a guy? I mean, I'm not judging you, but I just thought-" Josh rambled before I could cut him off.

"Yes, it was a guy, and I don't know.."

"Don't know what?" He asked.

My sexuality don't make me explain it Josh.

"Never mind, are you ready to go back home?" I asked.


We went home and I went straight to bed, but I couldn't sleep. Josh was right next me, snoring, not helping any. He turned over so he as laying on his back. He threw his arm on top of my head, I was slightly angry and I threw it back off.

My phone buzzed, It was a text from Jenna.

Jenna: I had to think, and I don't know..

Me: What do you mean you don't know!? You said you did.. You said you loved me.

Jenna: I know what I said, I just don't know if I meant it.

Me: Well, sorry I was a waste of your time for a whole two years..

Jenna: Stop.

Me: You know, I'm done being so nice to you! Just don't talk to me again.. I'm not sorry, not at all, you should be, if you didn't want to be with me, you shouldn't have stayed with me, you had a choice, and I should have known better because all you ever did was treat me like shit Jenna! I hope you get some help, just leave me alone.

Jenna: Tyler, I'm so sorry.

I just didn't reply. She didn't deserve it. I felt my stomach drop at the thought of what I just did, I don't think I've ever been so mean, but she deserved it. It's so late, or early, its well past two a.m. considering that was the time last time I actually checked.


"What time is it?" Josh asked, rolling over facing me.

"Seven-thirty.." I sighed.

"Why are you awake?"

"I haven't slept yet."

"Why?" He shot up, rubbing his eyes.

"Just not tired I guess."

"Liar, look at your eyes." he pointed weekly at my face.

"Do they really look bad?" I asked, urged to go look in the mirror.

"Looks like you've been crying, and are on some serious drugs."

I got up, and went to the bathroom that was linked to my room. I looked in the mirror and sighed, I kind of knew what to expect. I went back in my room and told Josh to come to the kitchen. I was forgetting that it was still early and he most likely didn't want to be awake but I've been so bored, and selfishly didn't care.

My mom came out of her room and into the kitchen, I forgot she had work in an hour.

"Why are you awake?" She asked us.

"Just woke up early." Josh said, scoffing at me.

"Tyler!? Do you have drugs? Are you guys doing drugs? Josh, are you guys?" My mom said, urgently grabbing my face looking into my eyes.

I figured it was better to just tell her I didn't sleep, rather then letting her think I was doing drugs. "Mom, no drugs, just didn't get any sleep, Josh did though." I confessed.

She sighed and went back to her normal routine for work. She eventually left and me and Josh laid down on the couch and watched T.V.. Me and Josh have been together for a couple days, Josh decided to go home, which was probably for the best, because after we spend to much time together we don't get along.

Now that I'm alone I decided to pull the Taco Bell receipt out of my shorts pocket, that I was still wearing. I copied the number into my phone and decided t just say 'hi' even though I should have addressed who I was.

TB BOY: Hey, I thought you'd never text me.

Me: howd you know who it was?

TB BOY: Seriously no one text me.

Me: oh well, did you mean the note for the pink haired one, bc I'll give you his number.

TB BOY: No, it was meant for you, you're cute (;

Me: oh well I think you should know, i dont really know my sexuality, but ive only ever dated girls so.

TB BOY: So do you not want to talk to me?

Me: no, i do, i just thought you should know.

TB BOY: How old are you?

Me: 17...

TB BOY: I'm 18, I'll be graduating this year.

Me: wait do we go to school together?

TB BOY: Probably, I just moved here, and I just started working at taco bell.

Me: oh..

TB BOY: are you close to the park?

Me: yes, why?

TB BOY: Because maybe wee could meet there

Me: seriously, im not saying i dont trust you or anything but i barely know you

TB BOY: We don't have too, I just thought it'd be nice.

Me: sure, ill meet you there in an hour.

I quickly shot up out of my seat, I ran to my room and put on a white button up shirt with flowers on it and a pair of black skinny jeans. I plugged my phone in so it would be charged when I left. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and combed my hair.

I sighed at my phone as it wasn't charged and I had no text messages. I started walking out the door and headed towards the park. I kept my phone in my back pocket and it vibrated against my skin. I pulled it out and I had a text from Taco Bell Boy.

TB BOY: Hey, I'm at the park.

Me: almost there.

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and ignored that he text me back. I shortly reached the park and saw him sitting there, I felt on edge as I walked over to him.

"Hi." I said shyly.

"Hi, I never caught your name?" He responded.

"Tyler.." I sighed, I have such a average, common name.

"I'm Justin." He smiled.

I nodded and we sat there in silence for a few seconds that lasted forever, and I regretted coming, I can never make conversation. I know he thinks I'm cute, I don't know why, but he does. Thinking about that made me very anxious, why would he be interested in me? No one ever is, maybe he needs something, maybe he's just using me so I'll buy tacos. I shook my head no, even for me that seemed ridiculous. I just can't seem to fathom that anyone would be interested in me.

We sat in silence, until he asked me to dinner, tonight.


(A/N) oOOOPS I didn't really know how to end this chapter so oops, but better chapters coming, thank you s much for reading, commenting and voting it seriously means so much to me getting as much attention on this story that I do. It might not seem like a lot but to me it really is, so thank you <3.


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