chapter eight

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I woke up and turned on my phone and had a few messages from Josh. 

Josh: Hey

Josh: Tyler?

Josh: Are you okay? Why are you asleep so early, or ignoring me..?

I wanted to ignore him still, but it seemed like he actually cared, and I didn't want him calling my mom and telling her he's worried I'm 'going to do something' as he has done in the past. I decided I should just tell him why I'm upset. 

Me: Sorry, I fell asleep  early last night I was just kind of pissed because my best friend doesn't have the decency to hang out with me alone. (:

Josh: Hang out with you alone? Name one other time we hung out and I brought someone.... Exactly.

Me: No, Josh I haven't hung out with you in over a month, you barely even text anymore, check up on me, anything, half the time when I text you, you ignore me! Why? Because you're always paying attention to Kaitlyn! And since you have been hanging out with her so much I thought when you told me you wanted to hang out you would at least just not bring her, thats why I've been so upset lately, because you never even talk to me anymore. I don't mind Kaitlyn I just wish you would still be a friend. 

Josh: Wow, I'm so sorry Ty I didn't even realize what I was doing, I just wanted to hang out with the both of you guys because she's my girlfriend and you're my best friend I just thought it would be fun, but I should have known better, I am so sorry Tyler. Can we hang out this weekend, just me and you? (: 

Me: Yes we can, and I'm sorry I snapped I just wanted you to know. 

Josh: I don't blame you, but I should have already known. But anywayss, wyd?

I text back and we kind of just had a casual conversation after that, the ones that we used to before Kaitlyn came along. I feel like I might making this way bigger than it actually is, I mean, it's only been a month, but at least I talked to him about it before it got way out of hand. 

I quickly sent Justin a message to tell him I felt better and wanted to hang out. We made last minute plans to go to the beach, schools about to start in a few weeks but it's still hot. I didn't want to turn the beach down but I also didn't want to take my shirt off, just because I didn't want people looking at me, but I also didn't want to go swimming in my T-shirt. I kind of just brushed the thought away as I began to pack a beach bag and I packed a small cooler with some drinks and snacks. 

Soon after Justin pulled up in front of my house and I got in his new looking mini van. I commented on how clean and nice it was and he didn't really respond but a small laugh. Once we got to the beach his mood completely changed he was so happy to be there, he grabbed all his things, and all my things and ran to find us a good spot to sit. 

I walked up to him and sat down on the scratchy grass. "Stand up!" He shouted at me. 

"Why?" I asked laughing at his excitement.

"I need to lay down the blanket for us so sit on!" he said pulling out the blanket and unfolding it.

"You actually brought a blanket?" I laughed, he was very enthusiastic about the beach. 

"Yes, I brought a picnic basket as well," he smirked. 

"I seen, I just assumed you had packed it with snacks," I chucked. 

"No, I packed us lunch silly," He said stretching across the blanket on the ground attempting to smooth it out.

"Okay, I'm going to the lake, come with me!" He said running down the beach in the water. 

I laughed and ran down there with him, he shouted at the temperature of the water because it was so cold. I laughed in embarrassment even though there was only one other couple here besides us and they were on the way other side of the beach and they most likely couldn't hear us. 

"It's so cold!" I squealed when I dipped my feet into the edge of the water. 

"Don't be a baby, do what I did, just jump in!" Justin laughed. 

I decided to take his advice and I just jumped in. " Oh my gosh!" I shouted. 

"You'll get used to it" He swam away and laughed at me. 

I tried to catch up with him but I just wasn't as fast, clearly he goes to the beach and goes swimming more than me. He yelled over at me to come to the deep end with him. I felt kind of anxious but I used to do it a lot when I was younger, so I swam over to him at the deep end. Lucky there was a rope to hold on to, but I just sat on it. I thought it would be funny to go under and attempt to touch the floor, even though I knew I couldn't. 

I ended up losing hold of the rope and tried finding it, but I started freaking out when I couldn't, even though I could easily just swim back up, but I started losing my catch of breath. A few moments later I felt Justin's hand, or I assumed it was Justin, grabbing my arm and pulling me back up. 

"Are you okay?" He asked worrying about me, helping me position myself back up on the rope. 

"Yeah, sorry," I nervously laughed, I was actually kind of embarrassed. 

"Don't be sorry, just be careful. We should probably swim back," he smiled at me. "I'll race you!" He smirked and began swimming away. 

"That's no fair! You got a head start!" 


THanks for rEaDinG


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