chapter three.

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It was getting late, and my mom will be home from work soon, I don't know how'd she react if she seen I let a girl come over. No, I know exactly how she would react because she's my mother. She would either be extremely angry, which frightened me most times, embarrassingly. Or, she would be calm about it, as long as i was straight forward and told her the truth, that she's here for Josh. To be completely honest though, the way Kaitlyn's dressed, looks like Josh paid her to be here.

I decided to message Josh, and tell him so he could let her know.

tyjo: she needs to leave..

jishwa: why?

Josh started getting angry at me for asking her to leave, but he told her she had to anyways.

"Bye Tyler!" She waved bye to me, perky.

"Bye." I said back to her, with no expression. I kind of regretted it because it was a little to mean, just don't like her that much is all.

"What the fuck Tyler! Why couldn't she stay for a bit longer, your moms not out for at least another hour!?" He said, harshly at me once she left.

I closed my eyes as he yelled, I sat across from him, in my seat feeling slightly scared, guilty as well. "M-my mom would be mad at me.. I'm sorry Josh." I said the last few words quietly, afraid I would break if I spoke any louder.

"No, Tyler.. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have yelled. It's okay, don't worry about it." Josh looked up at me, concerned.

"Y-your fine. I just don't want my mom to come home, angry, she's usually frustrated from work, and then if she seen Kaitlyn, she would be really angry, it would just be a long night." I spoke, my voice an octave higher, now that I've calmed down.

He nodded, "Yeah, I know your mom..".

Almost right after he finished his sentence, my mom pulled into the driveway. We quickly got on to the couch and acted normal, it was pretty much like when on TV, when someone says to 'act casually' and then everyone looks completely ridiculous.

She storms in throwing groceries down onto the dining room. 'See?' I mouthed to Josh, about earlier, when I said she's usually frustrated from work.

He nodded, them my mom paced over towards us, on the couch.
"Oh, hi Josh, sorry, I didn't know you were over, maybe if someone would have told me." She spat, rolling her eyes at me.

"Oh, I didn't know, I can go if you'd like?" He suggested.

"No, don't be silly, I've just had a rough day is all. Are you guys hungry?" She offered.

We both quickly answered 'no'. I didn't want her cooking for us if she had a rough day already.

"Really? I thought you guys could run up to taco bell, Tyler you can take my van and I'll give you some money." She smiled, pulling her wallet out of her purse.

Well, that didn't sound to bad, but it was shocking she was letting me drive her van, considering I literally just got my licence and she barely trusts me to drive, she usually suggests Josh drives, but I'm seriously not even a bad driver.

"Yeah, okay." I smiled taking the twenty she handed me.


Josh followed me outside, "dude its like midnight, why are we out eating?" He chuckled slamming the passenger door closed.

I shrugged and started the van.

We walked onto tacobell and I bought Josh's food because twenty dollars is a lot to spend on myself, but I would gladly spend twenty dollars on myself for taco bell when I'm alone.

We sat down and waited for them to call our name. Instead, the boy who took my order, brought us our food. He smiled at me and went back to his job.

My phone buzzed and it was a text from Jenna, she did say she was going to text me tonight, but it's literally midnight.. What if I was sleeping?

Jenna: Hey Tyler.. (:

Me: hi..

"Who's that?" Josh asked.

"No one special." I truthfully said aloud.

"Who?" He asked again, sounding more concerned this time.

"-Jenna." I sighed.

"Tell her to leave you alone!" He said shoving more taco down his throat.

I thought for a minute. "I can't."

"Why?" He replied quickly.

"Its not nice." I frowned at my phone.

"Not nice? Seriously Tyler, stop worrying about peoples feelings before yours, especially with Jenna, give me one good reason she doesn't deserve to be completely ignored by you?" He frowned setting his taco down staring at me, waiting for me to answer.

"Maybe she can't help the way she acted, she always apologized." I said, my statement sounding more like a question.

"Tyler, she can help it, that's not how you treat someone you love." He argued.

I thought for a minute, "So she never loved me?"

"Oh, no."

"She said he did.."

"Well, of course she did, that's how she led you on."

This conversation completely changed my mood, I didn't even want to finish my food, I didn't want to check to see if Jenna messaged me back, why is she even bothering to message me? I'm not making much money anymore, quit my last job, and that's how Jenna got all of her money, from me. I didn't mind though.. I thought she loved me,

Jenna: What are you up to?

Me: Did you ever really love me?

*Read: 12:48*

She didn't reply. Is that a no?

I didn't eat my food, I put it back in the bag because odds are I'll eventually eat it. I waited for Josh to finish eating, we didn't speak much, considering I was upset, I didn't feel like talking. I picked up the receipt, looking over it for something to do. The bottom of the receipt read:

Flip over

So I did.

Hi, I think you're really cute (:

It also had his number under it. I looked behind me to see the boy who took my oder walking out, he smiled and waved bye to me, just smiled back.



There's going to be some drama, in the upcoming chapters, I don't know exactly when but its spicy sizzly.



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