chapter thirteen.

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Me and Josh woke up and went to breakfast with the little to no money we had, at a diner in town. Josh ended up paying for our breakfast, we didn't talk much, even though Josh wont admit it, I know he's really upset too.

I was doing better, I didn't break up with him so I'm sure I'm not nearly as hurt as he is, but he doesn't know that I stayed, I haven't told him yet. I know that he would just get more upset if I told him. 

I began to think, Justin really knew what he was doing that whole time, he knew he was cheating. He even said he sent her pictures, he knew he was cheating, he had to of realized it, but maybe he stopped because he realized he really wanted me, I know that sounds silly, but he said he loves me, hopefully that meant he loves me enough to stop talking to anyone else.


I dropped Josh off at his house and I went back to mine, alone. We both just really needed some time alone to be honest. I sat down in my bedroom, reading mine and Justin's old messages, he was so sweet to me, I could have never imagined that he would do such a thing, but I love him. 

I began messaging Justin, asked him if we could see each other tomorrow. That's what I really needed at the moment, to see him. I feel like if I got to see him after all of this I could really forgive him for what happened. Of course he agreed to come see me at the park, where he picked me up for our first date, but we were going to stay there. 


"I'm sorry Tyler," he said walking up to me pulling me into a tight hug, that lasted for minutes, I felt him slightly sobbing on my shoulder. 

"Justin, it's okay, I forgive you," I hugged him tighter. 

He continued to get my shoulder soaked, but I didn't mind. Once he finally pulled away, he started laughing nervously and apologized for crying all over me. I just shook my head, I didn't even care about that. He picked up the picnic basket he brought and we moved to a better location, in the shade and set up the picnic he brought.

"I hope you like it," He smiled hopefully.

"Of course I will, You've never made us a bad lunch," I smirked reaching in his basket grabbing one of the turkey sandwiches he made for me, since he's learned that that's my favorite.

We ate a just talked about the things we used to, it was like normal again. There's an open house at our school and me Justin and Josh are all going to go together to get our schedules. But Josh doesn't  really know Justin is coming with us so he better behave.


 We went and picked up Josh from his house in my car. When he got in the passenger seat, he looked in the back and noticed Justin sitting there, he immediately seemed pissed.


"Hey guys! Tyler, Josh, you can get your schedules in the office," Our school secretary told us as we walked into the building. "And you? What's your name? Are you attending school here this year?" She asked Justin.

"Uh, Justin, and yeah," he smiled awkwardly and continued walking with us.

Me and Josh, well mostly me, decided since we were at the school we might as well show Justin around before he starts next week. Me and Josh have almost all of our classes together while me and Justin only have one or two.

Josh's P.O.V.

The whole time we've been at the school Justin has been acting weird, and all awkward, probably because I'm around, and I hate him. Tyler wants me to just be nice to him, even if I don't mean it, but how can I be nice to someone that would do something like that to my bestfriend? I can't, and honestly I hope he knows I hate him.

I got a text from one of my friends, Ben, I rarely talk to him, but he's just like an internet friend, so I've never met him.

Ben: Hey what's up?

Me: Feeling frustrated.

Ben: What's wrong?

Me: My bestfriend is being an idiot and I think I like him.

I explained how Tyler had gotten back with Justin, ya' know, the one who cheated and didn't deserve a second chance but took advantage of Tyler. Also, why should I have to like him at all, Tyler wont take this into consideration, but he cheated on him, with my girlfriend?

I sighed as I waited for Tyler and Justin to come out of the Advanced Lit. class I wouldn't be taking because I would rather just take a normal English class. Every time I look at Tyler with Justin I get so angry, I guess you could say jealous too, jealous and angry at Justin.

Tyler dropped me off at home, and probably ended up hanging out with Justin. I just laid down the rest of the day. Tyler most likely wasn't going to spend much time with me in the last few days before school starts, he'll probably only be with Justin.

Something I haven't really even thought about is my sexuality, I've always been straight, but for some reason, all I want to do is be with Tyler. I hate myself for it. He probably would never want anything to do with me, except our friendship, which I'm scared to ruin by telling him how I feel.

But I for sure do feel something for my friend Tyler. I don't plan on telling anyone, except my friend Ben who I usually vent to about things going on around here since he for sure cant go around telling people, because he doesn't know any of my friends.

I wanted to punch a whole in my wall right about now, I felt so frustrated. But instead I just laid down in my bed all day and ignored my mom every time she asked what was wrong, or when she told me to get up and go for a walk or something. I just didn't want to do anything right now.



Sorry I usually don't switch the pov in the middle of a chapter, but I kind of needed to right about there..

If you notice any mistakes or something pls tell me so I can fix it thanks.

Also, If I don't update for a while sorry, I barely planned on updating today, I was just upset and writing is all I wanted to do,,, but I haven't felt very motivated to write at all lately except today.


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