chapter eleven.

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I watched out my window as they drove away. I felt scared. Not because I was alone, but because I want Justin. I want to get into another relationship, after Jenna. I was scared it was going to turn out the same way. I tried to convince myself I could trust Justin, I have no reason not too. I still worried though.

I laid down and watched YouTube for over an hour, then I shut my laptop and put it on my night stand to charge. I couldn't stop thinking. Thinking of how everything could always just go wrong at any given time, and that's usually how it is for me, everything finds its way to be destroyed, and nothing ever gets better for me. I still thought dumbly, 'maybe this time'. Maybe with Justin everything will be okay.


I woke up the next morning, to my mom standing beside my bed, hovering over top of me. I blinked my eyes a couple of times to get adjusted and see my mom clearly. She was only smiling making things a little awkward. I groaned, and stretched before speaking to her.

"Do you need something?" I asked pushing myself up to sit.

"I want to take you out to breakfast today, do you think we could just hang out?" She asked hopeful.

"Yeah sure, when are we leaving?" I asked quickly jumping out of bed, considering she always wakes me up 5 minutes before we leave.

"Half hour? Hurry up though!" She said excitedly leaving my room.

I got dressed, into a pair of black skinny jeans and a white tank top with stripes at the top. I did everything else necessary to get ready, which wasn't much.


My mom took me into a diner, about twenty minutes away from us, one I haven't ever been to before. My mom told me stories about this diner from when she was younger, about how she would come here with her mom, then she went on to tell me other stories about her childhood.

After we ate and left, we went to the mall nearby. I loved coming to the mall, but its been a while since I went with just my mom. She only brings me every once in a while.

"Schools coming up, and I wanted you to be able to get some new clothes," she smiled as we walked into the mall doors.

We're not poor, but I was just nervous we weren't going to be able to afford it because we just moved and my mom just got a new job a few months ago. I didn't say anything, but I didn't get anything to expensive. We stopped at a small kiosk, and got smoothies, and we went to the food court, we had been there so long it was already around lunch time. 

As we were sitting at the table my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was Justin, asking if we could go on a date, on Friday. I ignored the text for now, because I was with my mom but the answer was yes. 

Once we got home I laid down in my bed, and messaged Justin back. I asked if we could video chat. Of course he agreed, I hurriedly clicked the camera button on the top corner of my screen and listened to it ring before he answered. When he did, his face and bright room lit up my face, because my room was so dim, I only had my lamp on.  

"HI!" he nearly shouted.

I laughed, "Hi."

"What have you been doing today that you couldn't message me back," he fake frowned. 

"I was at the mall today, with my mom, and we ate and stuff, I got some clothes," I said looking over at the bags on my floor filled with them. 

"Let me see!" He instantly got excited. 

I began showing him each shirt one by one. 

"I like that one!" He repeatedly kept saying to nearly every shirt. 

One thing I've always hoped for, even though it may be silly, was to fall asleep with someone on video chat, and that's exactly what we did. He fell asleep before me though, so I heard his little snores, I didn't want him to hear mine, they probably aren't little. 


I woke up and the video call was ended and my phone was placed on my nightstand, plugged in. I went downstairs to see my mom which was who I assumed did it. I was wrong, it was Josh. He was at my house, downstairs waiting for me to wake up, having small conversation with my mom. He got up and walked over to me, wanting to talk about something. We went up to my room where it was quiet.

"Last night, I was literally just walking home, but I seen Jenna, and her one friend, uh- Leah. They seemed drunk, like they were stumbling out of the bar, I don't even know how they got in, but they caught up to me. Jenna tried making out with me and getting all over me," He sighed. "I pushed her off and I only didn't text you because I wanted to come talk to you in person."

"So she's drinking? Her mom should know, I'm not telling her but, she's not supposed to be drinking," I sighed. 

When I was with Jenna, she had a slight drinking problem. Her mom was constantly yelling at her, and she did stop, but I guess she started again last night. That was mostly the reason she was so aggressive, even when she wasn't drinking. 

I took a deep breath and looked at Josh, waiting for a response but he was just on his phone messaging Kaitlyn I assume. I messaged Justin, and asked him when we were going on that date, because I am a needy boyfriend. 

"Who are you texting?" Josh smirked. 

"Justin, he's picking me up tonight at six, I don't even know where, but I've gotta' dress nice."



Thank you v much for reading..

Joshler will be here soon.

Have a good day. 


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