chapter nine.

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Once we came back to the picnic table in the shade we both slammed on the seats on either side of the table catching our breaths. I looked over at him, he has sand all over his chest and I couldn't help but laugh because it happened when he fell down after getting to the end of the lake.

"What's so funny?" He asked laughing even through he still could barely catch a breath.

"Remember when you fell?" I laughed turning my body completely so I was facing him.

"It was worth it! I won!" He bragged smirking at me.

"Only because you cheated!" I raised my voice, laughing still.

A few moments later he pulled out lunch, everything neatly wrapped and organized. I looked at the sandwiches and the bags of chips placed on the table kind of surprised he actually made a lunch for us, I just figured we would go to a fast food place.

"I didn't know what kind of chips you would like so I just grabbed a couple for you," he smiled pulling out a third sandwich. "And I didn't know if you wanted ham or turkey," he laughed.

I grabbed the Turkey sandwich and a bag of plain potato chips. "You really didn't have to make lunch, but thank you," I smiled as I unwrapped the sandwich from the plastic wrap.

After we finished eating we cleaned our mess and thought it would be cool to walk around the little town, we grabbed all out stuff and put it in Justin's car. We circled every block and went into a ton of gift shops. We went into a fudge place and Justin grabbed something he wanted, I found something I wanted too, and I asked if I could see what he got.

He handed it to me and I quickly walked up to the register to pay for our stuff. "Hey no, let me pay for it!" He came up to me attempting to grab it. I handed it to the lady at the cash register who was smiling.

"Will this be all?" She asked and I nodded my head. After she told me my total I reached in my wallet and handed her the exact amount. I took my receipt and walked out laughing while Justin had his arms crossed, and looked pouty.

"Here," I laughed handing him his fudge.

"Why didn't you let me pay?" He said grabbing it from my hands.

"Oh stop, it was only like five dollars, and besides, you made me lunch," I said swinging the bag playfully hitting him a couple of times.

"But I wanted to take you out.  So I should've paid."

"Wait... Like a date?" I questioned blushing.

"I thought so," he chuckled.

"Oh.  Okay then," I said, my cheeks turning bright pink.

After getting back to the parking lot of the beach, he asked if I wanted to come over. I agreed and he drove me back to his house.

Once we got there I reached in the back of his car for my bag of clothes. I groaned as I discovered they were soaked. "What's wrong?" Justin asked.

"All my clothes, they're wet, and I have nothing but my trunks, which are still damp," I sighed grabbing the bag anyways.

"You can borrow some of my clothes," he smiled grabbing everything else from his car. I offered to help but he refused.

"Who's this?" His mom asked smiling widely at me. I felt pretty embarrassed considering I didn't have a shirt on.

"This is my friend Tyler, Tyler this is my mom," he gestured over at her setting all his things on the couch.

"Nice to meet you Tyler, you can call me Stacy though."


We went up to Justin's room and started to play video games, which I'm not very good at. Before he actually turned on a game he gave me a whole outfit. "My bathrooms right there, you can change while I get the game set up," he said handing me the perfectly folded clothes.

I went to the bathroom, and put the clothes on, I felt slightly strange, but thankful at the same time when I seen a brand new pair of underwear rolled up I'm the clothing. Made me remember the year my mom only stuffed my stocking with these cheap white boxers, I wonder if Justin wears these all the time? I laughed to myself as I put on the hoodie, he included but he didn't need to because shorts and a T-shirt were enough.

I walked back to the room, and Justin was waiting for me, on his phone. "Oh sorry," in said sitting down, feeling guilty for making him wait.

"No big deal, I just got it set up," he smiled handing me a controller.

He's so sweet. At this point I didn't even care that I felt this way, I like Justin, but I don't really care to label myself as gay or anything, I don't even care, I just know who I like, and that's Justin. I felt guilty though, because Josh is my best friend, I want to tell him I like Justin, but I don't want to, 'come out' to him, because I don't really consider myself gay. I'll just casually tell him later.

We played the same game over and over, the first time he let me win, but after that I just couldn't win, he let me win one last time before I had to go, my mom was picking me up to take me out to dinner.  I walked out of his bedroom and down to his living room and waited by the window for my moms van to show up, Justin followed me down and waited with me. 

A few minutes later my mom showed up in the driveway, I stood up and so did Justin, "Bye, I'll see you later, text me okay?" he said hugging me bye. 

"I will," I said blushing as I pulled away from the hug.

I went out to the van and my mom smiled and asked what Josh has been up to, that she hasn't seen him in a while. I couldn't reply that honestly because I was wondering the same thing. "Meh, I don't know really, he's been kinda' busy, we're gonna hang out next weekend or something I think.

"You should see if he wants to come with us, I love having him around," she stated pulling out of the driveway. 

Me: Hey, my mom was wondering if you wanted to come to dinner with us tonight?

Josh: Yeah, sure, I'll be ready in 10 minutes?

Me: Okay, wait outside when you're ready we'll be there soon (:


Well,, heyyo

I was supposed to post this a couple days ago, but I ended up ahving a lot of stuff to do, so I'm quickly posting it before I go to bed. I hope you enjoy it, bUT ITS TRASH!

Feed Back is always appreciated thankyouuuu..


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