chapter seven.

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*Josh's P.O.V.*

It feels like forever since I've actually talked to Tyler, which was mostly my fault, I've been spending so much time with Kaitlyn. I decided it would be a good idea to try and make plans with him to hang out. 

We agreed to hang out at the movies, and I'm bringing Kaitlyn. I'm picking them both up in an hour so I started to get ready so I didn't go out seeming like I'm homeless. I put on a pair of black basketball shorts, and a plain maroon T-shirt.

Once I got to Tyler's house we was a Little better dressed than me, he was wearing black skinny jeans and a loose blue button up shirt. He got in my car and buckled his seatbelt and Immediately got on his phone with out saying a word.

"What's wrong Tyler?" I asked.

"Nothing," he spoke setting his face on his hand.

"Tyler, you can tell me," I said waiting to start the car.

"I just want to go see the movie, and if I still don't feel good then I'll talk to you." He said taking a deep breathe.

"Okay, fair enough." I spoke.

I proceeded to drive to Kaitlyn's moms house. I stopped in front of her house instead of actually pulling in the drive way. I looked over at Tyler and noticed he wasn't paying attention.

I pulled out my phone and messaged Kaitlyn and told her we're outside. Tyler finally shut off his phone and plugged it in to the plug by my radio.

"Hey, why are we stopped? Who lives here?" He asked.

"Oh, it's Kaitlyn's house," I said, looking back over to her front door, watching as she walked out.

Tyler sighed and threw his head back on the seat, seeming annoyed. Kaitlyn opened the back door to my car. She was wearing a cute blue crop top that suited her perfectly, and black leggings. They both looked so much better than I did. I cringed at my outfit choice but then realized it didn't matter and kept driving.

"Hey Tyler!" She squeaked behind me.

"Hi," he groaned.

"Oh.. What movie are we seeing?" She asked trying to forget how unhappy Tyler was at the moment.

"I don't know, figured we could just decide when we get there," in shrugged my shoulders, peeking over at Tyler who was resting his head on his hand with his eyes closed. He could just be tired.

Once we got there we picked a movie and I bought us a huge popcorn to share. We went to our theater room and sat down in the back. Tyler just sat there in silence as me and Kaitlyn ate the popcorn. The movie started and he sat up instantly getting into the movie.


After the movie was over we got back into my car and Kaitlyn beat him to the passenger seat and he seemed pretty upset about that so he slammed the door.

"Tyler, want to come over?" I asked.

"Uh, no not really could you just please drop me off at home?" He asked.

"Yeah sure," I weakly smiled at him in the mirror.

After I dropped him off I went over to Kaitlyn's house and it was just us, because both of her parents were at work. We went inside and sat in her room. She started telling me about how she was filling out applications and other general stuff.

"So, uh.. I like you Josh," she spoke shakily.

I let out a deep breath "I like you to."

"Oh, good!" She laughed.

"Well we could probably go on a date sometime," I smiled at her noticing our faces were getting closer.

I didn't want to kiss her so soon, even though I wanted to kiss her, just not yet. But she leaned in and kissed me, I didn't mind it though.

I gently set my hand on her cheek and she tugged on my shirt. I pulled away and took a look at her. I knew this was stupid. She tugged off my shirt and I just let it happen even though I didn't really want it to.

Tyler's P.O.V

I went home and messaged Justin. I told him I wasn't feeling the best right now and he just did everything he could to make sure I was going to be okay, I told him what was going on.

Me: He told me he wanted to hang out because he had been spending so much time with Kaitlyn, then he invited her with us to the movies! Then he planned on hanging out with her afterwards and he invited me to that to. This was the first time I have really hung out with him in a month, because of Kaitlyn and then he wants to finally hang out but he brings Kaitlyn. I'm sorry to waste your time, I'm just so upset.

Justin: You're not wasting my time, I want to help. Listen, he's just being a shitty friend right now. You can always hang out with me and I won't bring someone ((:

Me: I'm sure you wouldn't   and thanks (:

Justin: Well when you feel better, text me and we'll make plansss!

I sent a smiley emoji and went to bed even though it was only 8:30. I just needed to sleep everything off.



Yes this is still a joshler story and it always will be just wait (;


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