chapter twelve.

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*Few Months Pass*

Me and Justin started dating a couple months ago, he's great. Josh is dating Kaitlyn, I guess she's alright. I just can't seem to trust her as much as Josh thinks I do. I guess I don't have a real reason not to, I just don't.  

Me and Josh are hanging out today, just me and Josh. We're going to the movies, we were thinking about inviting Kaitlyn and Justin, but we haven't hung out, just us, in a while, so we didn't. Josh came over to my house and I was driving us there.

We walked in and got popcorn and drinks and such. We sat in the decently sized lobby while we waited for our movie to start. Once we walked in the theater we searched for a seat, we were both surprised to see Kaitlyn and Justin sitting together. It was odd at first, but I guess they're friends. 

"Hey guys!" Josh laughed sitting by Kaitlyn. 

They both jumped a little, "Oh hey," Kaitlyn said leaning up to kiss Josh.

Justin only hugged me and kissed my cheek when I sat down, I didn't mind, it was sweeter and more appropriate, and I liked it that way. Justin has always been so sweet to me. I don't know why I was so scared to trust him before. 


Me and Josh went back to my house, he decided to stay the night. I was kind of upset that Justin was there with Kaitlyn, and drove home with her. I brushed it off though. Josh tried to convince me that it was okay, that he probably just didn't want her driving home alone. Which I didn't mind because Justin is really nice and that's probably true. I decided to message Justin, to see what he was doing, because I still was wondering why he went to the movies with Kaitlyn and didn't tell me about it.

Justin: Uh, she just hit me up and asked if I wanted to go, so I said yes..

Me: I'm not mad, sorry if it seemed that way.

Justin: Yeah, it's fine. Good night.

Me: Justin.. Do you still like me?

I knew I sounded silly, but I needed the reassurance. Justin hasn't been talking to me as much, and I can't help but feel like we're drifting apart. I was just starting to feel really close to Justin too. I'm just scared he doesn't want to stick around me anymore.

Justin: Tyler, of course I do.. but there is something I need to tell you, and you probably won't like me once I tell you, I am so sorry.. I feel like I should tell you in person..

Me: You can just text it to me or call..

I began to tear up, I tried to play it off as if I was just falling asleep, so tired that there was water in my eyes, and it's kind of true, I'm not physically tired, but mentally, I'm drained, I am so tired, so yes there is water in my eyes. I kind of just want to be done, with everything.

I noticed Josh has looked over at me a few times, I didn't feel in the mood to talk to him about my feelings or that type of thing, so I stopped looking at him so he wouldn't see me cry, because Josh cares way to much and If he see's me cry, or notices I am upset, he will not let it go until I talk to him about it.

Justin: Tyler, I am so, so sorry, and you should probably tell Josh about this too, because it involves Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn has been texting me, asking to do stuff like trade pictures, and more stuff, like in person... I didn't send pictures, but I did open the ones she sent me and I can't say I didn't tell her not to stop, but after today I did, and I told her I wouldn't tell Josh and that she should do the right thing and do it herself. Ty, I understand if you don't feel the same about me anymore, but I still love you.

After reading the long message, I couldn't hold it in any longer, I started sobbing into the pillow on my couch. Josh quickly sat beside my and placed his hand on my back trying to comfort me and ask what was wrong. I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to cry, but I had to talk to him, because he would make me, and because of Kaitlyn. I didn't want to hurt Josh. We were supposed to just hang out and have a casual night but now we're both going to be hurt because of our relationships.


I told Josh, I told him everything. Josh is much stronger than me, so he held it together way better than me. He comforted me in the best way possible. Josh always knew how to make me feel better and he gave the best advice no matter the situation.

"You know you need to break up with him right?" Josh questioned, I wasn't even ready to think about that, I didn't want to leave Justin at all.

"I don't want to, I'm upset with him but he apologized, he even said he loved me, for the first time," I sobbed into the pillow on my couch.

"Tyler, I'm sorry but he only said that so you wouldn't leave, if he did it once, you can't trust he wont do it again," he said rubbing my back.

"He at least deserved a second chance, he makes me so happy,"

Josh decided to let it go, which was probably for the best, because I was just going to get more upset the more I had to talk about it, and Josh would get frustrated the more I disagreed.

Me: I forgive you, but please don't ever do it again, I love you.

I didn't plan on breaking up with Justin, at least right now, unless he hurts me again, but I trust he wont. Josh broke up with Kaitlyn though, he didn't trust her, which is understandable. He only text her saying he was going to break up with her and why, which usually is considered wrong, but I don't blame him for not wanting to tell her in person, she didn't deserve a breakup in person anyways. I cant exactly put my finger on it, but even before she cheated, I didn't like her, she wasn't right for Josh, he deserved more.



Yes I know this chapter was trash, but for some reason even after I saved my chapter half of it got deleted and that's happened before and it usually restores when I refresh, but it never came back. I contacted wattpad and they still haven't emailed back so I just kind of rushed to get this done because I really wanted this chapter up before New Years!

SO SINCE THIS IS THE LAST UPDATE OF THIS YEARRrrr, Thank you guys so much for reading this, and giving it the support you have, Ily guys so much (: <3

(Also, I used to follow everyone back, but I've hit the maximum amount of people I can follow so that's why I haven't followed any more people back.)


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