chapter twenty.

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Josh's POV

I felt bad for snapping at Tyler like that, he did the right thing by telling me immediately. I just really want to punch Justin right now. But first I need to go tell Tyler I'm sorry, I really just want to see him.

I drove over to Tyler's and saw his moms van wasn't there, but I knew he was home. So I walked in like I usually would, but this time felt different. I heard the shower running and knew it was Tyler when I heard his voice singing. It was actually really good. I felt butterfly's when he sang, I don't know quite why but it made me feel something. I really do love this boy.

I waited in his room, instead of waiting outside the bathroom like a creep, even though I wanted to, so I could continue to hear his voice. After a few minutes he walked through the door wrapped in a towel below his waist, he seemed completely terrified to see me. I quickly stood up and walked up to him, pulling him close to me, ignoring his wet body and gave him a hug, he rested his head on my shoulder and I didn't want to let go because I was so comfortable yet so uncomfortable since he was wet.

"Josh, I'm wet," he laughed pulling his head off my shoulder and I moved my hands up to his face, kissing him.

I could feel him become less tense. I felt he was still gripping onto his towel on his waist making sure it doesn't  fall. I started tugging his towel down and he quickly grabbed it and pulled it back up making sure I couldn't pull it down.

"I'm not sure if I want to," he said nervously.

"I'm sorry," I said backing away to give him his own space.

"I'll let you know when I want to," he looked at me reassuringly.

He walked over to his closet and grabbed a pair of boxers and plaid pajama pants and went into the bathroom to change. I felt kind of bad, I felt like I kind of just pushed that onto him and we probably should talk about it first before we rush into things. It kind of just happened in the moment, I didn't mean to make him nervous.

He walked out and actually seemed pretty happy, I wasn't too sure why but it was better than being upset with me, "You should stay the night tonight."

"Really?" I questioned, I thought he would be upset.

"Yeah, I know its a school night but its already late and you have clothes here, that you could wear, and I'll get you a toothbrush," he smiled, and I couldn't say no.

I called my mom and told her I'd be staying at his house tonight so she wasn't worried or anything, then we pretty much just talked about everything and all the people at school and how we already cant wait for school to be over.

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