Chapter 7: Is This Love?

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Bruno's POV

Tears feel down Valentina's face but, she roughly wiped them away. I couldn't say anything as the tears streamed down her face faster and she struggled to keep her composure.

"Val, I-"

"No. I've heard enough. Go call Janaé." She said and stormed off back into our room. I cussed under my breath as I walked after her.

"Valentina." I said as I walked into the room. She was laying in the bed with her back facing me.

"Valentina, I-"

"Bruno. Go away. I don't want to talk right now. Considering that I heard the whole conversation between you and Phil. I can't believe you." She said and sniffled.

"But, I-"

"BRUNO!!! I DON'T WANT TO TALK!!!" She yelled in my direction. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at me. I looked down and walked out of the room. What have I done? I feel like dying. Kill me now and end my pain...

Valentina's POV

As I watched Bruno leave the room,I bursted out into a loud cry. My heart felt it had been ripped out of my chest and stepped on over and over. Bruno doesn't care about me. I thought he did. So, all of those "I love you's" and "I care about you's" have been all lies. He mysteriously has all of these "hoes" and he had never mentioned any of it to me. Is he that jealous of me and Leo to do something like this to break my heart? That can't be it. Leo and I aren't together. So, why would he be jealous of that? I'm with him everyday, all day. I barely even talk to Leo. I mean, I talked to him yesterday but, not really.

I curled myself up into a ball under my covers and held myself tightly. I don't know what I did wrong or how I possibly messed this up. I've done everything right. I'm friends with all the guys and they love me. Bruno has never looked at me funny or even mentioned anything to me. So, I thought I was doing everything right. Why am I getting so emotional over this? We're not even dating. It makes me think actually. Was Bruno planning on taking my virginity and then kicking me off the tour? Was he using me?!! No. That's not it. I can't even bring myself to think about that. The only reason why I'm actually this upset is because I love him. Just think, I was going to let him be my first and then he does this!! He's been having sex with all of these women and goes on to talk to me like he's some type of saint. Well, not really a saint. We all know Bruno is far from being a holy. I wiped my tears as I heard a knock on the door. I sniffled a little.

"If it's Bruno. Go AWAY!! I have nothing to say to you douche bag!!" I yelled as my eyes swelled with tears again. The door opened slightly and Eric peeked his head in.

"I'm related to him. Does that mean I'm a douche bag too?" He asked with a small smile. I sighed a little with a light chuckle.

"Come on in." I said as I got comfortable to make room for him. Eric came in with Phil following behind him. Phil had a big paper bag in his hands.

"I bought comfort food as a peace offering." Phil said. He sat the bag in front of me as I dug through it. There was ice cream, chocolate covered EVERYTHING, chips, popcorn, and lots of other goodies!! I saw my favorite chick flicks in there too. I smiled slightly.

"Thank you guys. I appreciate it." The guys smiled and sat on the bed on the other side of me.

"Well, you know why we came in here..." Eric began saying.

"No wonder you bought the peace offerings." I replied and pushed the bag over a little.

"Well, we got to talk about it..." Phil then said and sat on my bed. He wrapped his left arm around the top of my shoulder.

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