Chapter 17: A Long Walk

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(Val's POV)

"Okay. Spill the beans girl! What's the big emergency?" Jocelynn asked, picking up her glass of wine and taking a sip.

I had called Jocelynn as soon as I left Bruno's house and asked her to meet me at Jay's, a trendy bar on Sunset Boulevard.  I slowly sipped my gingerale and hesitated, afraid of how she would react to what I had to say. I really needed someone to talk to and she was my best friend. I just hoped she wouldn't judge me too harshly.

"I-I kissed Bruno." I mumbled.

"You did WHAT?!!" She yelled, nearly choking on her wine. She slowly put down her wineglass and stared at me. I looked down at my hands, my cheeks burning with shame.

"I kissed Bruno." I repeated in a whisper. "He kissed me and I kissed him back. I don't even understand how it happened."

"Val, now why in the HELL would you do a stupid thing like that?!!!" Jocelynn exclaimed loudly. She was looking at me like I had just killed her cat.

Oookay, so much for her not judging me - let the bickering begin.

"I didn't mean for it to happen, Jay - I wasn't even expecting it. We were having a huge argument. I tried to leave, but he wouldn't let me. When he pulled me into his arms and looked in my eyes, I was lost. I knew what was coming, but I couldn't stop it from happening. I still love him Jay. I've been denying it to myself for months, but it's the truth." I said quietly, twisting my engagement ring around my finger.

"What about Leo? Do you suddenly not love him anymore?" Jocelynn asked, her voice like acid.

"Of course I still love Leo." I stated emphatically.  "I wouldn't be feeling so torn up inside if I didn't love him.  It's not like I went to Bruno's house intending to be unfaithful.  I hate that I let things go so far.  But I can't deny that Bruno is special to me.  What if he's the guy I'm supposed to be with?"

"Wait, Val! Hold up. Let's take this one step at a time. Start from the beginning, and maybe I might be able to wrap my head around this complicated mess you've made of your life." Jocelynn said, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples.

I told her everything that had happened at Bruno's house. I didn't leave out a single detail. When I finished my sorry tale, Jocelynn just shook her head and sighed. She started to speak, then shook her head again and remained silent.

"Well, that's what happened." I said, feeling hurt by the disappointment on her face. "The worst thing is that now I'm thinking the baby could actually be Bruno's. I mean, what if he's right, Jay?  What if this baby is his?  That would change everything.  Leo might not even want to marry me then.  Looking at the dates, it seems plausible that this baby could very well be Bruno's."

"But not plausible enough to dump Leo and go running back to him!!" Jocelynn snapped. "Anyway, you two used a condom that night, right?"

"Yeah, but you know those can break." I mumbled out, staring at the floor.

"That's true, but I thought you were also on birth control." Jocelynn said, looking at me suspiciously. "You were taking your pills right?"

"It failed. Like everything else in my life right now." I replied, feeling sorry for myself.

"Girl, it's too bad you're pregnant, cause you need this drink even more than I do!" Jocelynn exclaimed, downing her entire glass of wine in one swallow.

She paused for a moment, deep in thought. "Alright, let's figure out how to fix this. You need some time alone to get your head back on straight. I'm going to call Leo at work and tell him something is wrong with my stove, so he'll come to my house and be out of your hair for a while. It isn't exactly a lie, since one of the eyes won't get hot. While he's away, you go home, take a long bath, and wash away Bruno's scent. Then get right in bed and get a good night's sleep. If Leo ever asks you what happened at Bruno's house, I suggest you lie through your teeth.  Make something up and keep this from him until like.... FOREVER!!" Jocelynn insisted.

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