Chapter 19: Just Give Me A Reason

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Leo's POV

I sat in Christian's room just looking at him in my arms. I was trying to put him back to sleep for the night. It's been two months since we took the twins home. Being a father is one thing. But, being the father of another man's baby is another. I took a sip of my Cognac as I held Chris in my left arm. I think it's been my tenth one. I'm not too sure. I stopped counting.

I know Christian is not my son. I can tell. His eyes, his hair, and his skin color are nothing like mine. He looks like an exact combination between Bruno and Valentina. It's hard to even look at him sometimes, let along to call him my son.

I know Valentina knows this baby is not mine. Why hasn't she talked to me about it? I know she's talked to Bruno about it. I know she has. He was at the hospital and I quietly dismissed myself when he texted her to say he was on the way. I can't be in the same room with him or I might choke him again.

I can't put this all on him though. This is Valentina's fault. She had to have sex with him. Ughh.. This is making me more angry the more I look at Christian. I love Chris but looking at him and seeing Bruno's face is enough to make me resent him. I can't hate him though. Bruno's baby or not, I will always live with him and I will always be with his mother.... No matter how much he looks like the scum I despised.

I placed Chris into his crib after putting him to sleep. I was going to confront Val about the situation. I walked into our room but, I didn't see her. I heard humming coming from the bathroom. She must've been taking a bath. That implied that she had already put Alaina and Aela to bed for the night. I made my way to the bathroom and silently opened the door.

The lights were dimmed and there were candles lit. She was emerged into a bathtub full of bubbles and her fingers cupped a wine glass full of red wine.

Your lips, your love, your smile, your kiss
I must admit it's a part of me
You please me, complete me, believe me
Like a melody
Your soul, your flow, your youth, your truth is simply proof
We were meant to be
But the best quality thats hookin' me
Is that you're loving me for me
Is that you're loving me for me

(Aguilera, Christina. Loving Me For Me. Rec. Spring 2002.)

"Val. We need to talk." I said interrupting her song. She looked up at me with her big brown eyes.

"About what honey? You seem upset. Your wrinkles in your forehead are showing." She said and took a sip of her wine. I felt my throat become dry as I stared at her. For one, I think she knows what I'm talking about and two she just looks so sexy in those bubbles.

"It's about Christian..."

"What about him? Is he okay?" She said alarmed as she looked at me. I ran my fingers through my hair as I sat on top of the toilet seat.

"He's fine. But, it's about his genetics. Have you noticed that he doesn't really look like me?"

"What are you talking about? Clearly that's your son and he in fact does look like you."

"No. His eyes and skin color are different."

"My eyes are brown and I am slightly tanner than you." She said and took a sip of her wine. She knows what I'm talking about. She's lying. I know she is. When she lies she doesn't look directly at me and right now the glass of wine she's holding has all of her attention.

"Cut the bullshit Val. I know that he is Bruno's baby. I know all about Heteropaternal Superfecundation. I know the signs. I am a DOCTOR!! A freaking doctor for crying out loud. Plus, you trying to be slick and going behind my back didn't help." She was pissing me off to the fullest.

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