Epilogue: Stairway To Heaven

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Epilogue: Stairway To Heaven

August 26, 2015

There is no possible way I can sleep tonight. Especially not with Leo lurking in the back of my mind. Tonight I am Valentina Marie Diamond. Tomorrow I will be Valentina Marie Duncan. I was staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel this evening. I heard my phone go off, so I quickly grabbed my phone and looked at it, hoping that Leo texted me. I smiled when I figured out it was him.

"Good Night to the love of my life. You're the only thing I can think about right now. I wish I could just hold you close to me. I can't wait until tomorrow. Sleep well my love." I read the text that Leo sent me out loud for Jocelynn to hear. I couldn't help but feel small butterflies flutter in my stomach.

"Good Night my handsome groom." I replied as I blushed so deeply. I began giggling. Jocelynn rolled her eyes.

"Girl, get your cheesing ass to bed!! We got to get up early."

"Girl shut up!! You know that if your fiancée, what's his name again?" I said pretending as if I didn't know.

"His name is Andrew." She replied and looked away smiling.

"Yeah. That man. Anyways, if he sent you this, you'd be blushing as well!!"

"Whatever. I'm going to bed. Good Night!" Jocelynn rolled over and in a few minutes she was fast asleep laying in the bed across from mine. While I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but think about the way Leo and I met and how I was so lucky to even have him to myself.

September 15th, 2003

It was my second week at college. My roommate/new best friend Jocelynn and I decorated our dorm room and really just chilled out getting used to everything the first week. Plus, our real classes hadn't kicked in yet. The first week is ALWAYS freshman week and we were really juts getting used to the hang of things.

It turned 3:43 PM as I walked into my R&B vocal class. I've never heard of this class, but I need it to get my minor in Music Education. I cautiously entered and looked around at the unfamiliar faces I saw. Some people were talking amongst each other and others were harmonizing with a nearby piano player. I was shy and I didn't want to really talk to anyone, so I sat in the back of the room and pulled out my tattered copy of "Silence of the Lambs". I've had this book for nearly four years now. I got it when I was 14 for my birthday. I literally begged my parents for the book.

I was reading and minding my own business when someone tripped over my feet.

"Damn. I'm sorry beautiful. I didn't see your legs." I heard a guy say. I kept my eyes in my book.

"No. It's fine." I replied and pushed some hair behind my ear. I wasn't looking to actually look the guy in his face. I couldn't.

"Hello class!! My name is Michelle James. I've been a jazz/neo-soul/ R&B vocalist for twenty-two years. Now, I'm teaching you all how to sing as well as me. Will everyone come over to the stage and take a seat on the floor." The instructor asked. I stood up from the floor and made my way to the stage. I sat on the far side of the circle. I don't like a lot of people at one time. I have social anxiety.

"Please introduce yourselves. Tell your name, grade, major, minor, vocal title, and vocal range." She said.

One by one everyone stated their information. I was hardly paying attention until I heard a sexy voice. I looked over to see a guy with gray-blue eyes and light skin sitting next to ME!! His hair was in small curls on top of his head. He smiled showing a slight chin dimple.

"My name is Leonardo Duncan. Call me Leo. Uhhmmm.. I'm a senior and a pre-med student. I'm minoring in vocal music and business administration. I am a light lyric tenor and my vocal range is F#2-Bb6." He said and ran his fingers through his curly hair. He glanced at me with a slight smirk. My cheeks turned bright pink as I looked down at my hands.

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