Chapter 11: Headlines

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Chapter 11: Headlines

"28 year old Valentina Diamond was admitted into the hospital 3 days ago. We were told that she has a strong allergy to peanuts and that she stopped breathing after consuming a salad dressing made with peanut oil. Valentina has been in the news frequently over the past several weeks due to her close friendship with Bruno Mars. We have noted that the two haven't been seen together lately and that she's been spending a great deal of time with another, unidentified, man. Seems pretty interesting to me. Well, my lovely readers, that is today's celebrity news. I'm Giuliana Rancic; have a great evening."

(Leo's POV)

Valentina's caramel-colored skin looked pale and sickly, but it didn't take away from her beauty. My hand shaking, I reached out and tenderly stroked her soft cheek and tried not to think about what my life would be like if she didn't wake up. It's been 3 days now and she hasn't so much as stirred. Tears ran down my face as I was overwhelmed with feelings of fear, anger, and sadness.

"Wake up, damn it! I need you Valentina. You promised to be my wife. I'm not losing you because of some jealous, crazy ex! I'll kill him if I have to. I'll stay here as long as it takes, just please wake up!" The bright hospital lights looked blurry and overly bright through my tear-filled eyes. I leaned forward in my chair and covered my face with my hands, trying to muffle the sound of my sobs. Although I really didn't give a damn if people heard me. Valentina was the only thing that mattered. My sleeping beauty, my world, my everything. Her smile is what got me up every morning. I never knew what happiness was before I met her. I can't lose her.

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of rustling bed covers and a soft sigh. I lifted my head and quickly wiped my eyes. The fluorescent hospital lights blinded me at first and cause me to squint as I looked at Valentina with renewed hope.

"Valentina?" I said gently as her eyes fluttered open. Her curly hair spilled across her cheek as she turned her eyes away from the bright ceiling lights. Valentina squinted for a moment, but her face cleared as her eyes slowly focused on me. She stared at me for a long moment then looked around the hospital room, her eyes widening in alarm.

"Leo?" Valentina asked in a shaky voice, bringing her hand to her forehead.

"Yes, it's me sweetheart. How are you feeling?" I asked, overjoyed that she was finally awake.

"I feel lost. What in the world happened? Why am I in the hospital? Are you okay? Have you been crying?" She rattled off the questions so quickly I hardly knew where to start.

"Baby, you don't know the hell I've been through. I've been sitting by this bed for days waiting and hoping for you to wake up."

"What happened?", she asked again, looking scared and confused.

"You went to Bruno's house and that dumbass gave you some foods that had peanuts in them. What the hell were you thinking, Valentina?! You know you're not supposed to have them!" I hadn't intended to raise my voice, but suddenly I was mad at her. I asked her not to go to Bruno's house, had begged her not to let him come between us. None of this would be happening if only she had listened to me.

"I didn't know Leo." Valentina replied quietly. "I wouldn't purposely eat peanuts. I don't remember much about that day. I'm so out of it right now that I barely even remember my own name. How long have I been out?"

"3 days. I've been here the entire time, holding your hand and praying. I haven't eaten. I haven't slept. I only left your side to use the bathroom." I said and kissed her knuckles, regretting my moment of anger. Her hand caressed my face gently and I instantly felt better. The simplest touch from her could always make any problem seem unimportant.

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