Chapter 13: So We Meet Again

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(Valentina's POV)

"Babe. I don't think this is a good idea. I don't want you stressing. It's not good for the baby." Leo said as he gently traced hearts on my stomach.

"I gotta go. I have to make up with my sister. As much as I don't want to, I know I have to." I said leaving the room silent. We heard the faint sound of Alaina's laughter as she watched her cartoons.

"We'll go. If that's what you want." Leo said and kissed my forehead. We heard the small patters of feet and saw Alaina peep her head in the door.

"Dada!!" She said and ran into the room. She stood at the side of our bed and Leo reached over to pick her up.

"Hey Laina. What's up?"

"Baby!!" She said with a giggle and placed a hand on my stomach.

"Yes. There is a baby in there. Your little brother or sister."

"I hope it's a boy." I said and smiled at Leo. He rolled his eyes.

"No. I need another daughter!! It's too much testosterone in this house."

"Babe. It's only you..."

"That's enough!!"

"And who will have to teach that little girl about her periods, and boyfriends issues, and all that other girl stuff?"

"Me!!" Alaina said and clapped her hands as she giggled.

"Case solved!! Alaina will do it!" Leo said and laughed. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Mommy!! Juice."

"D-did she just call me mommy?" I asked surprised.

"What did you say Laina?" Leo asked with a smile.

"Mommy. Juice!!" Alaina repeated and giggled. You wouldn't believe how warm my heart felt. It actually made me happy to hear her call me 'mommy'. But at the same time, I didn't want her confusing Jayla and I. Jayla is her real mom. Then again, the last time she saw Jayla was two months ago. She didn't even come to Alaina's christening. That's just disrespectful!!

"Okay Laina. I'll get you some juice." I said and picked her up as I left the room. I got Alaina her juice and placed her in front of the TV again. That show, Team Umizoomi, had become her favorite. She clapped as I walked back into the room. Leo was playing on his phone when he got a phone call. He answered, listened for a moment, and scowled deeply.

"So, after being gone for like the last four months you decide to call and ask can Alaina go to a birthday party with you? Hell no!! She's my daughter and any woman willing to leave her daughter for a drug dealing gang banger doesn't deserve to call herself a mother at all. Don't call my phone." He said and hung up. Judging by his tone and how red his face just got, I could tell he just talked to Jayla.

"Are you okay?"

"No. Jayla just pissed me off. She thinks she can just jump in and out of Alaina's life whenever she wants. I'm not allowing that to happen. My daughter needs stability and Jayla popping in and out will only upset her." He said, closing his eyes and leaning back against the pillow. I sat on his lap and placed my hands on his chest. He flashed his gray-blue eyes and put his hands on my hips.

"Babe. It'll be alright. I'm here for you. You already have full custody of Alaina and it is completely up to you to have Jayla come and see her. You're not obligated to do anything."

"That's the point. I want her to have a relationship with her mother. But, Jayla is just.... I can't explain it. But, she's no good for Laina."

"Then keep her away from Jayla. End of discussion." I said and looked away from his dreamy eyes.

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